Chapter Seven

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It was a few days later when Regulus received a letter from Darkfang stating that Madam Bones had agreed to meet with him, he smirked and Aster looked at him, "What's with the smirk my love?"

"Madam Bones has agreed to meet with me, though she isn't aware of just who she's meeting just, yet I asked Darkfang to keep my identity confidential... which means I am one step closer to getting my brother out of Azkaban... I will show her Mia's inheritance test which says he was falsely imprisoned and was never given a trial, which will set things in motion... Amelia will get him a trial where his innocence will be proven. He will be released and compensated for his eight years imprisoned... and we will have one more person on our side again Dumbledore... the goblins are on our side, Darkfang informed me in the letter he sent about my meeting with Madam Bones... which will be two days from now."

Aster nodded, she hoped that this meeting went well and that it worked in their favor. The two had been planning Dumbledore's downfall for quite a while now but didn't have any actual proof he had done anything wrong that would work in their favor, but now things were coming together and soon enough they would be rid of the old man.

The goblins were gathering evidence on him now as well. "We need to make sure that everyone gets checked for compulsions once we go public with all of this..." Reggie started "I fear that he may have put them on all of us while we attended Hogwarts, I had them, it was revealed when I went to claim the Black Lordship and so did Mia, so he probably dosed everyone somehow... but that will have to wait since we aren't that far into this yet."


Two days later Regulus Black walked into the Ministry of Magic, looking Regal and Stoic, his Mercurial Grey eyes cold, looking every bit the part that a member of the Ancient and Noble House of Black should look, but many didn't notice the man as he had a slight notice-me-not charm on himself not wanting to draw much attention until he was sat in front of Amelia Bones who was the Head of the DMLE which was the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Reggie knew that she was one of the few people in the ministry who wasn't in the Minister's pocket and would actually push the issue he was bringing to her.  

2:00 on the dot Reggie sat across from Amelia Bones the notice-me-not charm removed, the strict but fair woman was staring at the man in front of her almost in Shock "Regulus?"

"Hello, Amelia." His voice was slightly cold, but that was something Amelia was used to; they were friends during their school years. Reggie's group of Slytherin's took the younger Hufflepuff under their wings during her first year. She was a year behind them, so she was a first-year when they were in their second year.

"You're alive? Everyone thought you were dead..."

"I know, but it's better that way for now I've been working on things behind the scenes with help from the goblins and Gringotts... but for years I've had no proof to bring forward, but now I can actually start making our world a better place... first act is to get Dumbledore out of a position of power, that's where you can help Amelia."

Amelia looks a little more confused, "Dumbledore? But he's a beacon of light against the dark forces..."

"That's what he's got everyone believing Amelia, but I have proof that he's not as light as he wants us all to believe, and after we're done here I want you to take a trip to Gringotts and have them test you for compulsions and I guarantee there will be a few there."

"What's this proof you speak of Regulus?" The woman's mind was reeling, but she knew that Reggie wouldn't lie to her about something like that, so she was going to go and get tested as he asked.

"The first thing is that he had my brother thrown in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, my brother was fiercely loyal to James Potter he would have died rather than give them up... I have proof that states he was wrongfully imprisoned." He slid the parchment towards her, that was Mia's inheritance test, the part where it says that Sirius was innocent.  (Peter wasn't mentioned yet on purpose since they don't know where he is yet just fyi.)

Amelia's eyes widened slightly, "and where did you get that?"

"That brings me to my second point, this is the Inheritance Test of Euphemia Lilith Potter-Black... the girl who lived, you may be wondering well how do I have that? Well, Amelia, that's because she is now in the care of my wife and I. Dumbledore placed her with Petunia Dursley, Lily Potter's Muggle magic-hating sister, knowing that it was against Lily's wishes if something was to happen to her and James... it was only a stroke of luck that my father-in-law was out one night and found Mia wandering the streets of London scared and all alone in the pouring rain because she ran away from home. After all, they abused her because of her magic." He unfolded the parchment and let her read over the whole of the Inheritance Test. Sure, he left out a few details, but it wasn't anything that she really needed to know anyway.

Her face was a little pale as she read over the document, almost in horror at what Dumbledore had done to his supposed savior... "But Dumbledore said that she was being raised in a happy, loving home where she got whatever she wanted..."

"Well, he's been lying to everyone though she is now that I've blood adopted her and my wife and I have taken her in... but before she was living pretty much in a hellhole, from the stories that I've heard."

Amelia was processing everything but decided to circle back to Sirius, "So if he was innocent, then why didn't it come up in his trial before he was thrown into Azkaban?"

Reggie gave her a look, "Because he wasn't given a trial, he was just thrown in Azkaban."

"He wasn't given a trial..." She echoed the words. "All right, then I will see to it that Sirius is given a trial, and then we can discuss the rest at a later date... once your brother's innocence is legally proven."

Regulus smirked this was going exactly how he had hoped it would "Good, my brother may have abandoned me when he was sorted into Gryffindor, but I believe that's because of compulsions placed on him so once we get him out of Azkaban and stable I am going to get him tested as well, but please do not mention my name say it was an anonymous tip... none of this works the way I want it to if people become aware of my involvement in things and also don't mention Mia either as far as everyone knows she's still where Dumbledore placed her eight years ago."

Amelia agreed to what Reggie had said, she would get everything started after her trip to Gringotts, and then he was on his way, everything was going exactly according to his plans and soon his brother would be free, and then he could work on the next part of things which included getting everyone to get tested for compulsions and cleansed if they were present.

Reggie made it home that night and smirked as he walked into his and Aster's room, where Aster was braiding Mia's hair, Aster looked up at the sound of the door opening, "Reggie, you're back, how did your meeting go?"

"Everything is going exactly according to my plans... Sirius will be free soon, and I am almost positive that once Sirius is free and proven innocent that Remus and Marlene will both come out of hiding, and then that's three more people on our side of things... and then we will continue to draw in people Dumbledore has wronged in some way and we will get him out of a position of power and then make Wizarding Britain a better place."

Mia looked at Reggie, "do you think that Sirius will like me once I meet him uncle Reggie?"

Reggie smiled at her, "he'll love you Mia, he was named your godfather for a reason, and Marlene will absolutely adore you as well."

Reggie then smiled as he realized that was the first time Mia had called him Uncle Reggie but he didn't make a big deal out of it in front of her not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

Mia had been making friends with a few of the kids her age over the last few days as well which made Aster and Reggie happy that she was starting to adjust to her new life.

Yeah things are going to be very different to Canon HP events, like some people that died aren't going to be dead but alive like Marlene for example and some of the Slytherin's that were in Reggie's group are going to be alive as well... though none of them know about Reggie yet since he's been working 'in the shadows' of you will with Aster and everything (: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I can't wait for you to see what I've got planned for this book :D.

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