Chapter Nine

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Bianca pricked her finger with the dagger and followed the instructions and let seven drops of her blood hit the parchment. Mia stayed right by her side the whole time, just as she promised she would.

They waited with bated breath for the results to show up on the parchment.

Once it was finished Darkfang slid the test across the desk for the others to read and Reggie's eyes widened seeing her name across the top, it was true she really was Francesca's daughter... but that begged the question of how she ended up in New York and at Charles' school for mutants?

Reggie knew that Francesca would never have abandoned her child no matter what.

Bianca was just confused. She felt like nothing made sense, Mia squeezed her hand "Reggie what does all of this mean?"

He sighed, "well for starters it means that Mia was correct you are indeed like her, a mutant and a witch but as for how all of this came to be I don't really know because I knew your mother a long time ago and I know she never would have abandoned you."

Mia was reading the inheritance test as it was laid on the desk in front of them. "What does it mean here, it says B was obliviated at age two."

Reggie reads where Mia was pointing to "obliviate is a spell used in the Wizarding World to erase memories... which points to someone taking her from her mother at age two obliviating her, and placing her with the family she grew up with that she eventually ran away from and ended up at the school."

Mia glared at the page seeing that the girl who was quickly becoming her best friend was made to forget her real family by Albus Dumbledore if she hadn't already started to form a hatred of the man that right there would have started it. "It says that Dumbledore was the one who obliviated her."

Reggie, nodded having seen that as well, worry not Mia we will handle this okay?"

Mia nodded at her "okay Uncle Reggie."

Bianca looked at Mia, "who is this Dumbledore guy?"

Regulus went to explain it to the girl when Mia shook her head, "I've got this one Uncle Reggie." and then she started explaining everything that she had learned about the man that had the apparent cause of her parents deaths, Aster had let Mia read some of the letter that Lily had written her shortly before her death.

Aster understood that Mia wanted to know more about her mother so she let her read the letters and answered whatever questions the girl about about Lily Potter.

Reggie sighed knowing that he was going to have to reveal himself to Francesca, he had wanted to wait but knowing that Bianca was her daughter and that the young girl was likely to want to stay at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, that it would be necessary to inform his old friend of everything. "Darkfang, please send Mrs. Zabini an owl right away and instruct her to come here for a very important and secretive matter, and her presence is needed urgently."

"Oh course Lord Black." and then he popped out of the room leaving the four alone for a few moments.

"So if my real mum comes here will I have to go with her and leave the school because I don't want to leave the school... everything I know is that school and it's the one place I feel at home."

Reggie smiled at her "I don't believe so Bianca, Francesca is a very understanding person and I'm sure that she will not force you to leave your life behind."

Darkfang re-entered the room, "it's been taken care of Mrs. Zabini has been sent an Owl asked to arrive at Gringotts as soon as possible."

"Thank you Darkfang." He received a nod in response.

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