Chapter Eight

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It had been two weeks since Reggie's visit to the Ministry of Magic to speak with Amelia and just as he knew, she got right on it, getting Sirius a trial to prove his innocence.

Reggie had received an Owl from Amelia telling him everything and that Sirius' trial was set to take place Saturday at 10 AM, which was three days away as it was Wednesday.

That gave the man ample time to figure out how he was going to attend without revealing himself yet since it was still too early for the Wizarding World to know that Regulus Black was alive.

He did know that the next person that the reveal was going to be made to was his cousin Andromeda as she was a healer, and one of the best at that, Reggie was not going to keep his brother at St. Mungos. He spoke to Charles, who said that he would set up a room in the medical bay, so Sirius could still get the medical help he needed after spending eight years in Azkaban... Andy would be the only healer that he would trust to take care of his brother.

He of course was going to make sure she went to Gringotts and got cleansed because he was sure she would have some kind of compulsions on her.

Reggie sent an owl out to Darkfang asking him to request Andromeda's presence at Gringotts, the following day (Thursday) so that he could speak with her and also get her to get tested for potions and compulsions.

He received an owl back not too long after that, saying that it would be done, for him to be at Gringotts at 11:45 since the owl to Mrs. Tonks was going to have her arrive at noon.

Reggie smirked, things were slowly falling into place.


The next morning after breakfast, Aster kissed her husband before he headed out, Reggie had told her everything before they went to bed the previous night. Aster was going to spend the day with Mia, helping her get caught up on her schoolwork since she joined so late into the school year.

But looking at the eight-year-old now only a few weeks of being with Aster and Reggie, you think she was a completely different girl, to what she was when Erik brought her there, and in a way she was... she no longer felt like an outcast, and was around children with abilities like her that were her age and she was making friends.

After saying goodbye to his wife for the day, Reggie left through the Floo and landed in Diagon Alley, and made his way to Gringotts at the designated time he was supposed to be there and Darkfang led him back to a room to wait for Andromeda to arrive.

Which she did at exactly 12 PM on the dot, she was ushered into the room where Reggie was waiting, she was confused about everything the letter she received was very vague, but she knew better than to ignore a summons by Gringotts no matter how confused she was about the situation.

She was even more confused that she was being summoned by the Black Family account manager, "Darkfang? What have I been summoned here for?"

Reggie smirked, "Sorry about all the vagueness, but that would be my doing, Andy." the woman's eyes widened at hearing her cousin's voice even though he was supposed to be dead.

"Regulus? What is this?"

He nodded toward the chair beside him, "Have a seat, Andy and I will explain everything." the older witch took a shaky breath keeping her mask in place for now, and she grabbed the seat beside Reggie.

"You're supposed to be dead..."

"Supposed to be, but I assure you that I am very much alive."

"What happened and why haven't you told anyone about this?"

"It's a long story Andy and well I have been working in shadows with the goblins here for quite some time now and telling anyone that I'm alive would ruin everything... now first I need you to get an inheritance test to see if you've had any potions or compulsion placed on you before I tell you anymore of my plans."

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