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"I'll kill him" Charlotte said. "No, I'll cut off his penis and shove it u-" Y/n held up a hand, signalling that was enough. "It's alright, Pierre handled it." Charlotte blinked, "Pierre?". Y/n nodded, "Pierre". Y/n proceeded to explain the whole night to her friend, as they shared a coffee while sitting in the monegasque sun. "So basically, Pierre came to your rescue like Prince Charming, you told Pierre the one thing nobody but me knows, and you slept together?" Y/n gaped. "Woah, Lottie! No!" Charlotte laughed, "You literally just told me you slept together."

"You slept with someone?" Charlotte and Y/n froze. "What do you mean she slept with someone?" Arthur was standing in the doorway of the balcony, Charles close behind, both staring eyes wide at their sister. "I didn't sleep with anyone" Y/n protested. "Then what did Charlotte mean, hmmm?" Charles said crossing his arms. "I had a sleepover with a friend, for god's sake, I'm not a child" Y/n huffed. "Who" Arthur said raising an eyebrow. "You don't know her, she went to boarding school with me!" The brothers seemed content to move on, even though they were absolutely convinced. "Are you two coming to Zaandvort?" Y/n scoffed, "my darling brother, you are aware I work for you, right?" Charlotte chuckled "Plus she just got a sexy new bikini, she's gotta show it off." Arthur covered his ears, " I didn't need to know that information! La, la, la I'm not listening."

By Thursday morning, Y/n and Charlotte were lying on the beach, in the sun, trying to soak up as much of it as possible before Y/n had to head in to work on Thursday morning. Y/n was reading 'Great expectations', trying to tan her back while Charlotte was scrolling through instagram. "Your brother's are going to come meet us, Charles said once they're done with their meetings, which ended like 15 minutes ago," Charlotte prodded Y/n in the side. "I'll bet 100 euros Charles will say something about my bikini bottoms" Y/n said without looking up. It was no joke that her older brothers were insanely over protective. Y/n wasn't a provocative dresser, if anything she was quite modest. But her brothers would freak out at the tiniest bit of skin. And today she just knew it was going to be bad. This was a bikini Charlotte had bought for Y/n, she was trying to push Y/n to love her body more. It was also no secret that Y/n was insecure. She was actually really insecure. Like hated looking in the mirror insecure. There were even times when you could call that relationship disordered. But this was the only swimsuit that wasn't in boxes enroute to Monaco. "I'm just gonna put my headphones on and finish this, he can't hurt my feelings if I can't hear him."

30 minutes later, the 3 older Leclerc's showed up, except they had Pierre, Dennis Hauger, and Ollie Bearman with them. If their little sister hadn't fallen asleep with her face down in her book, she would feel very uncomfortable. The three Prema drivers were laughing about something Angelina had made them do for youtube. Pierre and Charles were chatting about plans in Monza. Charlotte immediately started waving her hands like a crazy person, shushing the boys and gesturing at Y/n. Ollie and Dennis looked insanely confused. "Art, who is that? Introduce me to Charlotte's friend" Dennis asked, looking directly at Y/n's arse. Arthur punched him in the arm "My baby sister, dumbass". Pierre finally noticed what was going on, "Y/n is here?" Charles nodded, "Yes and what the hell is she wearing?" turning his gaze to Charlotte. "Lottie, you owe me 100 euros" Y/n groaned, lifting her hand to gesture at Charlotte. "Woah, how is she related to you" Ollie said looking at Arthur. "Arthur, can you tell your little friends to shut up?" Y/n muttered, still unaware who was actually standing in front of Charlotte. "Who are you calling little, Princess?" Pierre said chuckling. Y/n whipped her head up so quickly. Pierre was looking down at her, with a glint in his eye, trying very hard to not stare at her inappropriately, unlike the two younger boys. "Can we circle back to what you're wearing?" Lorenzo said with his arms crossed. Y/n suddenly realised there were 3 boys who weren't her brothers, looking at her. Especially because her bikini left much to be desired. The girl grabbed her hoodie, pulling it on, standing up. "I'm going to go down to the water" Y/n announced. "Okay, be safe" all three brother's shouted after her. 

Pierre noticed the way the girl froze when everyone looked at her. He noticed the way she got herself away from the group quickly. He noticed a lot about her. He also noticed that the Leclerc's only said those three words to each other, except she had said that to him, in a way. He wondered if it meant the same. "I'm going to go see how cold the water is" Pierre announced to the group. Y/n was staring at the water, pulling the hoodie off her body. "I bet it'll be cold, princesse". The monegasque girl jumped pulling her hands around her stomach. "I like the cold" she said as she walked into the water. "Then why're you holding yourself like that?" Pierre pointed while following her into the water. "It's not cause I'm cold, I just, I feel, I don't know, it's complicated Pierre." "Y/n. If it's because you're self conscious, you shouldn't be, you're beautiful." Y/n looked at him, she just smiled, then splashed some water at him. "No, seriously, you are beautiful" He said, looking at her. "Thank you, those boys just made me feel uncomfortable. Charlotte bought this for me, it's not really my thing." Pierre just nodded. "I get it, it must be so difficult being so beautiful," he paused. "Hey, look I haven't been able to talk to you properly since the other night. I wanted to ask if you're doing okay", Y/n simply nodded. "Look I can't take away what the italian fuck did to you, but I'm always here if you want to talk some more." Y/n had forgotten she'd told Pierre about James, and Pierre noticed that on her face. "Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't have let you tell me, you weren't in your right mind, and you hardly know me, oh fuck Princesse I'm so sorry. Just pretend I-" "Pierre, stop talking" Y/n pushed him, he lost balance and ended up in the ice cold water. Pierre came coughing and spluttering and gasping for air. "What was that for?" he asked looking confused. "I needed you to stop talking" she giggled. "I don't mind that I told you, and don't ever say I hardly know you please." Pierre still looked confused, "Why, I mean we've known eachother like for a week." Y/n had a unreadable look on her face and said very quietly, "Then why does it feel like I've known you for a lifetime. I just don't want my brothers to find out about it. I know Charles would kill someone. I trust you, even if it has only been a week, every time I've needed a saviour, you always seem to be there." Pierre smiled, then splashed some water at Y/n "I could just be a really nice stalker... I mean I'm here today." Y/n looked horrified and then burst into laughter. "Seriously Pierre, I didn't get a chance to say thank you properly after sunday." Y/n said sincerely.

"Okay what about this, I get the feeling you wouldn't love going out, but would you maybe like to come have some takeaway with me tonight?" Y/n sucked in a breath. It put her off her guard. "Would it be a date, a thank you or just two friends hanging out?" she asked, shyly. "Well, whichever you feel comfortable with, you can decide once it's over." Y/n smiled. "But just fyi, I would like to go on a date with you when or if you feel comfortable." Pierre winked. "Okay" Y/n smiled.

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