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Pierre jumped to his feet when he heard the knock on the door. He sped over and pulled it open. "I thought you might bail" Pierre laughed looking down at the girl, leading her into the room. She was wearing leggings and a hoodie, and Pierre thought she couldn't look more beautiful. "I couldn't do that to you, I'm your only friend", Pierre's heart fractured a tiny bit when she said that, so she thought they were only friends. He laughed it off again not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He gestured toward the food on the coffee table. Y/n squealed "I love chinese!" " Good because I think I got enough to feed the whole grid, so I hope you're hungry." Pierre walked to the small kitchenette and pulled out two plates and cutlery, walking back to Y/n and handing her a set. "Bon Appetit!"

It was somewhat of a secret that Y/n didn't like eating in front of people that weren't her people, but Charles had let it slip to Pierre that morning on the drive. "You should have seen Y/n yesterday bro. We bumped into Lando, well actually he strolled past us when we were having dinner outside. Y/n practically froze, and after Arthur invited him and Luisa to join us, I think I saw her take a total of three more mouthfuls of her food, which is strange because she normally loves asian food." Pierre hadn't really understood which had prompted Charles to elaborate further, "She has this thing about eating in front of people. At least anyone she doesn't mesh with. Maman noticed it when she went to boarding school. She used to eat so much. She loves food. We thought she might have been sick, because she was losing weight while she was at school. It took me and Arthur badgering her for a month four summers ago to find out that boys had been bullying her at school. They called her fat and things like that. It really tore her down." Pierre realised that the girl really hadn't had it easy while she was away from her family. Charles continued explaining "I think she might have a bad relationship with food and her body to be honest. Our aunt used to call her the chubby one all the time. I don't think she really noticed till she was at school." Charles had sucked in a breath. "So she gets insecure now eating in front of people, I think she's nervous people will make comments or say horrible things. Apparently one of the boys at her school once asked her if 'She'd ever considered an eating disorder', because he thought she 'definitely needed one'. That's when she started going to the gym more, sometimes I wonder if its her own form of personal torture. I once saw her cry when her weight had gone up a kg." Pierre had been annoyed about that the rest of the day. How could anyone ever be so negative about Y/n. I mean teenage boys can be arseholes, but to tear down a girl for nothing but their own entertainment. That's just shitty. Also the fact that Y/n could be so negative about herself.

"Have I got something on my face" Y/n asked, looking at Pierre who was staring at her. "You're just so beautiful." It had slipped out before he could stop himself, he had gotten lost watching her smile and laugh and eat with no sign of hesitation. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that". The girl just smiled and laughed a little, putting her plate down and moving closer to Pierre, who had finished his food before her, "Should we watch a movie or something? I don't want to leave yet, as long as that's alright with you." She leant back on the sofa next to him. She couldn't remember feeling content like this with anyone (except her brothers) for so long. Probably since Jules died if she was being completely truthful. "Sure, do you want to watch anything in particular, I may have heard Charles saying you were a massive Harry Potter fan". Y/n buried her head in her hands, making a mental note to kill her brother. "I mean, yes I love Harry Potter, but I wouldn't want to put you through that." Pierre smiled, "I love Harry Potter, I haven't been able to watch it in ages so I would love to, if you want to." Y/n nodded, "Can we watch the fifth one? I haven't watched that one recently?" Pierre didn't even answer her. He just leant forward and pulled the coffee table closer, whilst grabbing the remote off it at the same time. As the movie started, Pierre put his feet up and got comfortable, Y/n following suit. As the movie progressed, Pierre thought Y/n was inching closer to him, but did nothing (incase he spooked her). When the scene where Arthur gets attacked by the snake started, Y/n turned her head into his chest. Pierre immediately reacted, putting the arm that was resting on the back of the sofa around her. Once the scene was over, she just muttered "I really hate snakes" but didn't move from her spot on his side, just shifting her head so she could see the screen again. She had warned him that she would most likely cry at Sirius' death, and she was right. Y/n had cried for a solid five minutes into Pierre's chest, once she had composed herself she just laughed and looked up at Pierre as the movie was finishing, "Sorry, your shirts kind of wet." Pierre laughed too, "That's alright, I never liked this shirt anyway, the mascara does add something to the design." Y/n just smacked his chest but didn't make a move to get up. She was listening to his heart beat, it made her feel calm. Without even noticing, her eyes started to shut as she slowly drifting into sleep. Pierre refused to move, refusing to wake the girl, because he didn't want this moment to end. 

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