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2 months later - December

"Pierre, be careful, you're going to scratch the wall!" Y/n shouted, watching him carry a bedside table up the stairs of their new place. 

"You could always, I don't know, help me!" 

"I thought you said I could just stand here and look pretty"

Pierre and Y/n had moved into their new place three days before, and it was chaotic. Y/n's vision for the interior mean a lot of online shopping late at night, as well as a need to collate all the things from the pairs separate homes. 

"Okay, but you are helping when we have to bring your piano up. you know that right?" Pierre shouted down the stairs.

"Can't we pay someone to do that? Manual labour is really not my thing." Y/n laughed

"Aren't you meant to be digging all day for a week, next month. Baby that is literally manual labour."

"Ah, let me rephrase, manual labour I don't enjoy is really not my thing."

It was the second week of December and it was cold. Y/n loved the cold, Pierre did not. He kept trying to plan a holiday to somewhere warm, anywhere warm really. When Pierre cam back down stairs from their bedroom, after finally getting all the furniture in there, he found Y/n curled up on the couch reading a book he had bought her. "Ma Cherie, is there space for me under that blanket? It's so cold, I need warmth." 

"Pierre, you are such a baby," Y/n said before lifting the blanket for him to get under. "It's not even that cold!"

It was that cold. The next morning they woke up to a foot of snow. "This is ridiculous! It's just white, where is the ground." Pierre shouted looking out the window.

"Pierre, it'll pass. Go start the fire and we can watch christmas movies all day. The snow will be gone by tomorrow."

Wrong again. The snow was in fact not gone by tomorrow. It continued to snow pretty heavily for a week. The pair had been supposed to fly to Rouen to see Pierre's family that friday, and then go on to Monaco on Christmas eve. 

"No Maman, we're fine, it just won't stop bloody snowing. We're fine, really, the house is safe and Y/n makes really good hot chocolate" Pierre spoke down the phone to his mother before hanging up. 

"Maman is sad we couldn't go see them, but she says she will post the christmas presents and that you need to stay warm because you're too little, her words, not mine." Pierre laughed, brushing his hand through Y/n's hair while she lay on his chest reading a book to the side. 

"Yeah my mother said the same thing. This will be the first christmas we won't spend all together since I was little. It feels weird." Y/n said with a sigh.

"We'll just have a cosy christmas just us two." Pierre said kissing her forehead, before turning on his phone and resting it on her back.


"Come on, let's go for a walk, it'll be nice to get some fresh air" Pierre said leading Y/n towards the car. 

"Where are we going? Will I need gumboots? Like what's the terrain like?" Y/n asked. It was still snowing so of course she'd need gumboots, it was a dumb question really.

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