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"Daniel is on a horse!"


"Look Danny is on a horse." Y/n was pointing to the mclaren driver. Daniel Ricciardo was indeed on a damn horse.

Y/n ran up to daniel as they approached the mclaren garage. She was so enthusiatic Charles and Pierre both looked shock. 

"Dan, can I take her for a spin?" 

"Of course, my small Leclerc friend"

As Daniel dismounted, Y/n put her foot into the stirrups. Y/n had had a love of horses since she had been sent to boarding school. 

"Wanna see what she can do?" Charles asked nudging his friend. 

It was little known that Gina Schumacher had set up a "Everything horse" related station as she called it. There was a mix of showjumping and cross country jumps as well as barrel racing and rodeo related set ups within the paddock because 'When in Texas". 

"So like this is a thing she does?" Pierre asked as y/n sped around a corral at a canter. 

"Yeah she used to captain the showjumping team at her school."



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Y/n was wandering down the paddock, just chilling, 0 cares in the world. Everyone else was busy with Quali. 

"Mini Leclerc!"

 Y/n whipped her head round, "Carlos Sainz, why are you not on track?" Carlos just shrugged. 

"Well, what can I do for you" Y/n said as he caught up to her. 

"I was wondering whether you felt like a game of chess," he said grabbing onto her shoulders, "Charles says you always beat him and I always beat Charles so it's winner takes all". 

Y/n smiled, "Well, I'm wondering if you're ready to lose."

"Ha, Isa, please tell me you saw that." Y/n said jumping up from the table.

 "Yup, yes, yes I did," Isa said laughing and turning to Carlos, "Y/n just smashed you for the third time in a row." 

The pair had been playing best of three, winner decides the forfeit. 

"Okay, so Carlos, here's what I want you to do" Y/n said smirking. 


Charles and Pierre were watching in horror as Carlos walked out to the drivers parade wearing lingerie over his ferrari polo. 

"Wtf Carlos, what are you wearing", Charles said pissing himself. 

"My girlfriend's underwear," Pierre said shocked. 

"How do you know what my sister's underwear looks like" Charles exclaimed rounding on Pierre. 

"How is that the issue right now, Carlos is the one wearing her underwear" Pierre said raising his hands up.

 As Carlos came onto the bus and hid behind Lando, all the boys laughed, looking at him in Y/n's white bra and panty set. Pierre made a b-line to him.

 "Why're you wearing Y/n's underwear" he said with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"How do you know Y/n's underwear from a random set," Lando said chuckling.

"Because they fucked!" Yuki shouted from across the bus.

 "You slept with my sister?" Charles gasped. 

"Still not the issue at hand, Charles." Pierre said putting his head in his hand. 

"Carlos, my girlfriend's underwear, please explain." he said motioning to the outfit. 

"She beat me at chess three times, and we said the winner decided what the loser does" he said defeated.


"So, you slept with my sister." Charles said in a serious tone. 

"Charles, mate, listen," Pierre said taking a deep breath before charles interrupted him. 

"Do you actually love her." 

Pierre was confused, "Yes, I do, and even though she is your little sister, she is an adult." 

Charles nodded, "I just don't want you to do what you did with the last few girls, she's fragile." 

Pierre smiled, "Your sister is way better than those other girls." 

Charles nearly threw up, "don't tell me what she's like in bed!" 

Pierre was shocked, "No. No. No. I worded that badly, I meant, I'm in love with her, it's not like those other girls. Not to be cliche."


After the race, Y/n and Pierre were sitting in Y/n's hotel room. 

"So, should we talk about Cambridge?" Y/n said nervously. 

"Yes, I did actually need to talk to you about that." Pierre said seriously.

"Look, we could do long distance, I mean it's not even long," she began to ramble, "like longer than monaco to milan. But we can make it work right?"

"Well considering I'm going to be moving to Cambridge."


"Well, Alpine have had to change locations, because of some stupid regulation in oxfordshire. So apparently they're moving just south of Cambridge."

"Oh, okay, that's cool"

"And I mean, if you're up for it, we could maybe see if we could find somewhere together?" Pierre was nervous. Y/n could tell. "I mean we've only really been seeing each other for 6 months or so. But I am very serious about you, and I mean, I'm going to buy somewhere anyway so it saves you money and-"

"Pierre, shut up"

"I knew it was a dumb idea. I'm sorry, forget I asked."

"I never knew you were so dumb"


"I would like to move into you, if you're willing to put up with my nerdiness and my very specific taste in interior design."

"I love you, in all your nerdiness."

"Bold, you haven't seen the half of it. Anyway let me show you my pinterest board."

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