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When the pair got back to Pierre's flat they decided to watch a movie. Pierre pulled Y/n into his bedroom and handed her the remote, jumping onto the bed. "Pick something and get comfortable". Y/n looked at Pierre questioningly, "Does this dress look comfy to you?", Pierre quickly got up, "I'll get you a sweatshirt and some sweatpants from the closet." Y/n laughed, "Just a hoodie P, your jumpers are as long as this dress on me anyway." Pierre nodded again, grabbing a hoodie from the closet and throwing it at the young monegasque. "Thank you! Also, unzip my dress please." The girl moved so she was stood in front of Pierre. Pierre reached and slowly unzipped the dress. Y/n wasn't prepared to grab the dress, hands full holding the hoodie. The dress dropped off her and Pierre's eyes fell to her arse. "Oh shit" he said and quickly turned away, facing the wall. Y/n had let out a squeal quickly pulling the sweatshirt over her head. Pierre couldn't get the image of the lacey black thong that was the only thing the girl was left in when her dress hit the ground. All the dirty thoughts he had about her over the last few days flooded his brain. "Okay Pierre, you're good, you can turn around." The frenchman turned around smiling innocently at the girl. His eyes surveyed her, his hoodie fell just below her mid-thigh. "I'm gonna go take my makeup off" Y/n said leaving the room.  

The pair were now lying in Pierre's bed, watching The Pursuit of Happiness. "I have a question for you?" Pierre said, turning his head to Y/n, who nodded. "Are we not seeing other people. I know we aren't saying we're officially together or anything, but do you want to see other guys other than me?" Y/n shook her head. "I'm only interested in seeing you, Pierre." A smile grew over the Frenchman's face. "Good, because I only want you, Princesse." He leant down and kissed her. When he pulled away, she giggled. "What" Pierre said inquisitively. "Charles would kill you if he knew you were kissing his baby sister." Pierre muttered a mhm in response and kissed her again, pulling her closer. "Watch the movie, Pierre" Y/n giggled. "But, your lips are far more interesting." The monegasque girl giggled again. "We should probably go to sleep, I have big plans for us tomorrow" Pierre whispered still very close to her face. "Okay" Y/n whispered back and went to roll out of bed. Pierre grabbed her by the waist, "stay," he said, "please". Y/n rolled back towards him. "I just want to hold you" Pierre said looking deeply into her eyes. "Okay, then hold me" Pierre's arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his chest. "Are you going to turn off the lights?" Y/n laughed. "Oh yeah" Pierre rolled over and switched off the lights and pulled off his T-shirt. He pulled Y/n back into him. "Goodnight Princesse" he said and kissed her one last time. 

Pierre woke up to the sun shining through the windows. He looked at the girl next to him. In the night, his hand had worked its way under the hoodie and he was drawing small circles on her waist. The thong he had glimpsed last night was now on full show, Pierre's little circles were getting quite close to the straps of her tiny underwear. He was focused on keeping his hand on the small of her waist, but it was a struggle. He started tracing the bruises on her waist, closing his eyes again. He thought that if he were to die tomorrow he would die happy. He didn't want to sound like a psychopath, but he felt like Y/n Leclerc could be the one for him, the love of his lifetime, if she let him get that far. Y/n's eyes fluttered open.She could feel Pierre tracing her sides. She reached her hand up to his hair and twisted a strand that hand fallen into his face. "Good morning, Princesse" Pierre muttered with his eyes closed. Y/n kissed his nose and mumbled good morning back. Y/n could get used to this. She hadn't felt like this ever. So immediately comfortable with someone. She could happily stay like this for a while. Pierre had other plans however. He wrapped his hands around the girl rolling from his side onto his back pulling her with him so she was on top of him. "Excuse me, Monsieur Gasly, don't man handle me" Y/n said poking his nose. "I would never" Pierre laughed. He grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss. This kiss was longer than the others. It was a little bit more passionate than before as well. Pierre groaned slightly. "Stop" He muttered against her lips. Y/n pulled away confused, "What". Pierre shifted her slightly. "I need to stop, or I won't be able to control myself." Again Y/n was confused. "Jesus, Princesse, I'm hard and if I get anymore worked up, I won't be able to stop until I finish." Y/n gasped and jump off him and out of the bed. "Oh, OH, OH MY GOD, I'm gonna go get changed. Have a shower or something. Shit, I'm so sorry. I'll, I'll be in the other room if you need me. I mean, uh not like that, I mean if you need- uh- I'll just go." and she ran out of the room. "Fuck" Pierre exclaimed.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about earlier, I just got a little too -uh - too excited, I guess." Pierre said quietly from the driver's seat. "It's alright P, I'm sorry for, ya know, causing that" she giggled softly. Pierre's hand reached over and he squeezed her thigh. "Are you going to tell me where we are going" Y/n said placing her hand onto his. "I booked the art gallery, pinacoteca di brera, because you like art." Pierre said smiling. "That'll be so busy today though, there will be lots of people here for the race, what if they see us together" Y/n said concerned about getting caught. "Princesse, I don't think you understood me. I booked out the gallery. It will just be us." Pierre laughed. "Pierre, how much did that cost you! That's too much for me" Y/n gaped at him. "Baby, I just called in a favour" Pierre said pulling into the car park outside a grand building. "Baby?" Y/n said looking at him shocked. "What, you are the youngest leclerc, no? The baby?" Pierre smirked. "Oh, right" Y/n looked down at his hand on her thigh. "No, Y/n, I meant it like a loving name, or a pet name, or whatever else you might call it." He said turning her face to look at him. "You, Baby, are so sweet and innocent. But gullible too." and he kissed her, softly and sweetly. And she felt like she was floating on air.

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