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Y/n hadn't been able to get Pierre's face out of her head. He looked so hurt and angry when he walked away from her. Joris and Y/n were standing along the side of the grid, watching the cars get ready. She hadn't seen Pierre at all that day. He was obviously avoiding her. The rain was so heavy, and she had a bad feeling. She didn't want Pierre going out on track angry with her. 


I'm sorry about yesterday

It's fine, doesn't matter.

Pierre please, you know I want that, we just can't yet

That's stupid and you know it

Why can't I tell the world about us, hmm?

Please, I just don't know what I would even say

And my brothers would kill you after all that talk from Yuki

Let's talk about it later 

Be careful out there, okay


Joris and Y/n were given a sign to get off the grid. They made their way back to the Ferrari garage in silence. "Are you alright?" Joris asked her quietly. "Yeah, it's nothing" she nodded quietly, pulling a headset onto her head as the cars headed out on a formation lap. Then it was light's out and away we go, or whatever that commentator always said. Y/n watched in horror as chaos ensued. The track was far to wet, everyone was slipping around. Then Carlos went off. "Oh my god!" Y/n grimaced as he went crashing into the walls. However he confirmed he was okay relatively quickly. However the race was red flagged very quickly. Y/n watch in horror as the tractor came out on track while cars were still passing it. Then one car went passed very quickly and she froze. She let out a mangled gasp."Pierre" Y/n whimpered. Everyone in the ferrari garage was looking at her. There was a crane on track. On track. What the fuck was wrong with race control. Y/n ripped off her headset. Joris went to stop her as she ran out of the ferrari garage. "Joris, I swear to god, get the fuck out of my way." Y/n gritted out. "Y/n, where are you going, you can't leave. Charles is fine, he will be back soon" Joris said grabbing her wrist, as she tried to push past him. "Joris, let me go. Now" she said yanking her hand away from him.

 She stormed past Joris, into the pitlane, running down towards the Alpha Tauri garage. She could see Pyry. "PYRY" she shouted running towards him. "Y/n, calm down" He whispered as she got near enough. "Where is he?" The monegasque was nearly in tears. "He's over there, talking to the pitwall. Come inside and wait with me in there, there's too many people ar-" She didn't listen, she turned on her heel, running towards the pitwall. She could see him, shouting at his engineers, "P," She shouted. The frenchman turned around, eyes wide. The youngest Leclerc threw herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around him, like a koala. Pierre caught her and held her close. "Baby, there's cameras everywhere-" Y/n interrupted him, pressing her lips against his. She pulled away, tears streaming down her face, "Pierre, I- Jules, I saw the crane. And I- You- You went-" she couldn't form a full sentence. Pierre connected their lips again. When he pulled away, he took one his hands off her waist and caressed her face. She leant her face into his hand, "I love you." Pierre looked at her in shock, "What?" "I love you" she repeated. Pierre's face broke into a smile, "You do?". The girl nodded. "That's good because I love you too" he replied, kissing her again. "We're lucky Charles is so far ahead" Y/n laughed, "Or you'd be dead." Pierre put the girl down. He pointed to the large screen in front of the crowd. They were replaying the photage of Y/n jumping into Pierre's arms kissing him. Then the camera cut to a shot of Charles staring up at the screen, with a confused look on his face, half hidden by his balaclava, before angrily striding down the pitlane. "Oh shit." Y/n muttered, "Hide, hide, oh my god he's going to kill you, oh mon dieu. This is it. This is how I die," the youngest leclerc rambled. Charles could see them now, and he looked furious. "Pierre Gasly, are you fucking joking me!" he shouted. "The dirty bitch you've been fucking is my sister!" He said pulling off his balaclava before throwing it at Pierre. Y/n could see Seb running down the pit to catch up with Charles. Carlos appeared between Pierre and Charles, trying to stop Charles from killing Pierre. "Charles, mate-" Pierre tried to say. "Don't mate me! How can you call me mate after you've been fucking my sister. You let me talk to you about it. What kind of sick fuck are you!" Charles screamed pushing against Carlos who was holding him back. "Charlie, it really isn-" Y/n tried. "You. Don't even speak to me. What were you thinking, I can't believe you would act like this" Charles ripped himself away from Carlos and rounded on his sister. He was getting closer to her, "You think he cares about you? He doesn't even know you. He's just using you for sex! This is what he does." He screamed in her face before Pierre got in front of the small girl, pushing Charles away from her. "Don't speak to her like that. You don't know anything. I was the one who's been protecting her, I was the one who saved her from lance, and from that fucking rapist ex James. You know nothing. I love her, okay. We haven't slept together, and even if we had that would be none of your business. Just back off, this isn't her fault. But I love her, and I will continue to even if you hate me for the rest of my life." The anger in Charles' eyes dimmed. "You love her?" he asked quietly. "I do" Pierre responded matching Charles' level. "And you?" Charles asked Y/n, "do you love him?" Y/n nodded. "Okay, I don't like it, but I guess I can get used to it. Just keep the kissing to yourselves. Not for the world to see, yeah?" he said pointing to the screen. "Charles, I thought he was going to die." Y/n muttered. "Still." Charles laughed, then his face turned serious again, "We will talk about this James guy later, okay?" Y/n nodded again, and Charles walked off to Ferrari, followed by Carlos. Pierre grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her through the Alpha Tauri garage, to a quiet corner with no camera access. "So, we aren't dead" Y/n whispered looking up at the frenchman. "No, we are not" Pierre laughed, "It would be a shame to die before I could even call you my girlfriend, hmm?" Y/n laughed in response, "Very true." Pierre smirked,"So are you?" "Am I what" Y/n asked. "My girlfriend" Pierre laughed. "Do you want me to be?" she asked timidly. "Is the pope a catholic?" Pierre said leaning down to kiss her. "Okay" she whispered before their lips met. Y/n could feel Pierre smiling against her lips.

"You have got to be kidding me!" The two jumped apart. Yuki was standing there hands on his hips. "You completely abused me yesterday about how I couldn't say a word to anyone or you would, quote, 'cut my brakes'. But yet here you are, standing in plain sight kissing, where anyone could catch you!" Pierre laughed at the small Japanese boy, patting him on the head. "Someone," he said pointing to Y/n, "decided to jump me on international television, so now the whole world knows. Oh and if you EVER, talk about my girlfriend or her underwear, or make up ridiculous stories about us that are absolutely not true again, I will take absolute pleasure in disconnecting your brake lines."

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