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Y/n saw Charles about 100m ahead of her, as she walked through the gap between two motorhomes. She ran to catch up with him. "Il Predestinato, Ciao, come stai" The youngest leclerc giggled, as she jumped on Charles back, shouting italian in his ear. The Drive to Survive people were filming Charles so she automatically knew no French. "Y/n, get off, you're going to rupture my ear drums." Charles said shaking his sister off, pulling her into his side. One of the Drive to Survive guys laughed, "Charles, mate, can I ask your sister some questions?" Charles immediately went into protective big brother mode, "If I don't like any of the questions, will you cut it?" The DTS guy nodded.

 "So first question, what is your full name?" 

"Y/n Aurelia Etoile Leclerc"

"How old are you?"

"I am 21 years old"

"Why are we only just learning of your existence now?"

"Next question!" Charles interrupted.

"What do you do? Do you have a job or are you studying?"

"I just finished my Bachelor's degree, I'm working for Charles at the moment, and I'll probably start my masters next september"

"Do you have a favourite driver other than your brother"

"Probably Seb"

Suddenly, the two leclerc siblings had a pair of arms draped around them. "I didn't even get considered, Mini Leclerc! Not cool!" Y/n could pick that accent anywhere. "No Pierre, You're Charles' favourite driver." The DTS guys thanked Y/n and Charles and moved behind the trio to film some cinematic shots of them walking. "So what do the middle Leclerc siblings have planned for next week before Monza?" Pierre asked dropping his arms and falling in line next to Charles. "I have to go to Maranello and then to Milan on Wednesday, and I think Little Princesse here is going to Milan on Monday." Pierre feigned surprise, "Ah, Mini Leclerc, you are going to Milan? Have you booked flights? If you haven't you are more than welcome to join me and my team." Before Y/n could even get a world in Charles exclaimed "Ah that would be brilliant, Thank you Pierre! She hasn't booked anything yet, would you be able to keep an eye on her for me?" Y/n faked a grumble, "Do I not get a say in the matter?" Pierre smiled at her, "Nope, what Charles says goes"

The trio approached a group of drivers, as well as a few others. Yuki was trying to get a story out, but kept struggling from laughter. "What's going on over here, Turtur?" Y/n asked Arthur who was standing next to Ollie Bearman and Alex Albon. Y/n assessed the group, standing in a circle were George, Alex, Ollie, Arthur, Charlotte, Max, Lando,Daniel, Yuki, Mick, Esteban and a girl Y/n didn't know. "Yuki is trying to tell us a story about Pierre but can't get his words out" Arthur laughed. "Oh, Y/n," Charlotte said catching the girls attention, "This is Elena, Esteban's girlfriend." The pair both said hello. "So, Yuki, what were you saying about me" Pierre asked. "That- That I caught you" The small japanese man couldn't help himself from laughing. "Caught him doing what?" Lando asked. "HAVING SEX IN HIS DRIVER ROOM!"Yuki shouted. "Fuck Yuki, shut your mouth!" Pierre said leaping at him. Everyone was staring at Pierre with wide eyes. "With who?" Alex asked confused. "He hid her from me, I couldn't see what she looked like. She had a fucking great arse!" Yuki laughed. "Yuki, I am going to fucking kill you" Pierre muttered, hitting Yuki in the stomach. Lando was laughing out loud, "Hey if you have a good rest of the weekend, I'm gonna need her number. Maybe she's a lucky fuck!" Y/n immediately spoke up "Don't you think it's gross to talk about a girl like that? I doubt shes a prostitute guys", but her brother interrupted her. "Hey, if she's lucky like that, I might need her number." Charlotte gasped "CHARLES WTF". the middle Leclerc brother was immediately backtracking and apologising to his girlfriend. Y/n and Pierre made eye contact very briefly, and the frenchman could tell she was almost in tears. "Guys, I wasn't having sex, she was just helping me out with something. It looked worse than it was, and no I will not tell you who or where she is, nothing is official at the moment, and I want to maintain her privacy." Yuki was still pissing himself, "Yeah sure you weren't fucking her man, because you would definitely not have been moaning or saying 'Fuck, how are you so good at this', that's the sound of someone fucking and you can't lie your way out of it. You were topless and your hands were up her thighs and her dress had ridden up around her arse. I could literally see you fucking her dude, her underwear was pushed to the side. It was sexy underwear too." Y/n turned to Charlotte while Pierre was shouting at Yuki to shut up while the rest of the boys were wolf whistling, including her brothers and she whispered, "Pocket call me, please". Charlotte nodded, asked no more questions and tapped Y/n's name in her phone. Y/n's phone rang out loud, drawing everyones attention to her"Ah Charles, Enzo is ringing me, I'll be back in a minute." Charlotte followed after the girl "You guys disgust me, I'm going with Y/n!"

As soon as the two girls were out of the groups sight, Y/n took the phone away from her ear and started crying. "Y/N/n, I have to ask, did you have sex with Pierre just now?" Charlotte asked pulling her into a hug. "No Lottie, I swear I didn't, Yuki was lying, I was giving Pierre a massage because he hurt his shoulder and you know how I am when people are hurt-" Charlotte stopped the younger girl, "I know, you just want to help." Y/n couldn't stop crying. Her phone dinged.



I am so sorry

Are you okay

I promise I will make it up to you in Milan

I'm going to kill Yuki!

At least he didn't recognise you

I'm so sorry Princesse x

It's okay P, I just don't like that Yuki was lying about me and my brother was talking about me like I was a prostitute. I don't think I'll be able to see you tomorrow, because Enzo is going to be with me all day. 

Please don't be upset with me

Do you think you could get away from your brother on Sunday at all? Otherwise I'll tell Charles I'll pick you up from the Ferrari Garage because I'm gonna go straight from the track.

I really am sorry!

Pierre, it's okay! I'm not upset with you, I just have a bit of work to do for Cha, and I don't want to risk getting caught again this weekend. I'm sure I'll see you, I just won't be able to sneak away.


"Was that Pierre?" Charlotte asked. "Yeah" Y/n said handing her the phone. "Okay, you're going to need to fill me in" Charlotte said. "Okay, speed debrief, Pierre is taking me to Milan with him on Sunday night, and then I am going to stay with him until Charles gets in on Wednesday night. He freaked me out with his crash so I went to see him. He was touching my face and grimaced cause his shoulder hurt, so I gave him a massage, I was sitting on top of him like how I do to you. Yes, he did have his hands on my thighs but it was to keep me from falling, maybe my dress rode up but I don't know." Charlotte nodded. "I am so sorry they talked about you like that! At least it will be nice to spend some time alone with Pierre." Y/n nodded and smiled. Charlotte was right, Y/n was excited to spend some time with Pierre

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