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Y/n began to panic as soon as she woke up. She was in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar bed. She had no idea how she got there and jumped up to try and assess her surroundings. "Where the hell am I?" Y/n mumbles as she stumbled to the door. She walked into what she decided must have been a living room. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty" Y/n jumped at the sound. "Huh, oh Pierre, ohh, now I understand." The young Monegasque girl realised she was in Milan, with Pierre for three whole days, just the two of them. Pierre was sitting at the kitchen table, smirking at her, with a plate of fruit in front of him. "Come and have some breakfast, and then we can do whatever you want for the day, huh" he said, pulling out the chair beside him. 

The smaller girl padded over to him, still wearing Pierre's hoodie and her sweatpants. "You look cute, Princesse, like a toddler." Y/n huffed at this and sat down next to him. "So what do you want to do while you're here?" the frenchman said. "I wanted to go to an art gallery, and maybe go dancing one night, I also just want to chill a bit. Monza will be hectic." Y/n said after thinking for a second. "Do you want to see your friends while you're here? I don't want to keep you all to myself if you want some freedom" Pierre asked cautiously. "Well you remember that flatmate I told you about? Her name is Chiara, she texted me when we were in the car last night about going out with her and some other girls from Uni. I don't think it will be too rowdy, I think I'll only go for an hour or so. Would that be alright? We could just chill during the day, just relax." Y/n really just wanted to spend time with Pierre, but she hadn't spent time with her friends since finals, and she knew she had no excuse if she was literally in Milan. "I like that idea, we can watch a movie or there's this vintage bookshop round the corner, we could pick a book for each other and read on the balcony until you need to get ready" Y/n perked up, "I love it". Pierre put his arm around the girls shoulder, "Would you like me to come out with you tonight? Keep you calm or safe or something". Y/n smiled "No it's okay P, these girls were sort of like family to me when I was in Bologna, I'll be fine, we're just going to a club just around from the Duomo."

The pair were perusing the shelves of the bookstore. Pierre had been struggling to find a book that Y/n hadn't read. He had suggested five different books but she had read them all. "Aha, Pierre have you read this?" Pierre shook his head, and Y/n held her hands up in victory before handing him the book. "Okay I know it's a children's book, but I loved this when I was little, please tell me you haven't read it?" Pierre said passing a small hardcover book to Y/n. "The Talking Parcel, no, never heard of it", Pierre made a small whoop, happy he'd finally found a book she hadn't read. The pair paid for their books and made their way back to Pierre's, getting comfy on the balcony couch. To start off the two were on opposite ends, Y/n's feet lightly resting on Pierre's lap. but eventually Y/n was sat with her head resting in the crook of his shoulder. Her head was resting on his chest, and she had never felt so content before. Pierre's head was resting on top of hers, "What time do you need to leave?" he asked quietly, wanting to stay like that all night. "What time is it?" Y/n replied just as quietly. "Almost 7 o'clock", Y/n sprang up, "Have we been reading for 7 hours?", Pierre smiled and nodded. The monegasque leapt to her feet. "I meant to be meeting Chiara at her flat at 8:30 for pres, and I need to shower, and do my make up and pick an outfit. OMG I haven't eaten since breakfast, I'll get drunk so quickly. Jesus." Pierre pulled the frantic girl towards as he stood up to meet her level, "Calm down, I'll make you some pasta while you get ready, you'll be fine." Y/n kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you". Then she blushed, noticing how close she was to him. "Right, well can you show me where the shower is?" she said as she stepped back from him slightly. "Follow me, mademoiselle." Pierre said leading her from the balcony towards the bathroom.

An hour later, Y/n had just finished her makeup and was pulling on her dress, she couldn't reach the zipper though. Normally she would get Arthur or Charlotte to help her in situations like this, and she felt awkward asking Pierre but she had no other alternative. "Pierre, can you come help me" She called out holding the small sparkly dress to her chest. The dress had no straps so she had to be careful to not let it slip while it was undone. Pierre entered the room so quickly he nearly slid off his feet on the wooden floors, "Are you okay!" Y/n laughed, "I'm fine, I just can't hold up my dress and do the zipper at the same time. Could you do it up for me?" she turned around, presenting her naked back to Pierre. He walked slowly over to her, his body reacting before his brain, hand reaching out and caressing her back. The girl shivered, and Pierre pulled his hand back immediately "I'm sorry", the girl just giggled and said "No, it's okay, it felt nice,  your hands are just cold." Pierre was mesmerised by her, his thoughts wandering to a place of less innocence. "Are you not going to wear a bra, Y/n" he said seriously. Y/n blushed, "I can't with this dress, please could you zip it up for me now, I'll be late otherwise." Pierre delicately traced down her spin with his fingertips, enjoy the soft feel of her skin before he had to cover it with the glittery material. As Y/n felt the zipper close, she turned around to face Pierre. "How do I look?" She asked him shyly, the way Pierre was looking at her made her nervous. "You look beautiful, are you sure you don't want me to come?" he breathed out. "I'm sure Pierre" she said pulling herself away from him and looking in the mirror. She did look good. The dress was short, perhaps a little too short, but she didn't care. It was made of a dark grey sparkly material and had a corset top that made her boobs look great. "I better get going!" Y/n said turning round and walking into the main room. "Wait," Pierre called after her, following her out of her room, getting remarkably close to her, putting her hand on her face. Y/n took in a breath, Pierre whispered to her "May I kiss you Princesse". Y/n muttered an 'mhm', and Pierre gently leant forward and connected their lips. It was only for a second but when Pierre pulled away, Y/n's lip were on fire and she was blushing immensely. "You better go," Pierre said leaning his forehead against hers. "Yeah, I better" she mumbled, lost in his eyes. "I'll wait up for you so I can let you back in" Pierre said opening the door for her, "Be safe, okay" he leant down and pecked her lightly, "And don't bring any guys home, hey?" There was a smirk on his face. "No promises" Y/n said with a smirk.

Pierre was in his flat, Y/n had texted him and said she would be home at 10:30. It was now 11:30, and he still hadn't heard from her. Another 30 minutes later, Pierre's phone buzzed.



James is here

I don't feel safe

Send me your pin.

Princesse shared her location with you 📍

I'll be there in five minutes

Pierre had sprinted to the elevator, and was frustrated at how long it was taking to get to the parking garage. He was panicked. James, as in James the one who assaulted her. He was going to kill him if he touched her again. He broke several speed limits driving to the club where his girl was. She was his girl and if she was unsafe he would kill someone to keep her safe. He through his keys at the valet as he bolted into the club. Then he saw her. Cowering in a corner, a tall man shouting at her and walking towards her. Pierre's blood boiled. As he got closer, he could here Y/n retorting to the man. "James, fuck off, I'm serious". She hadn't seen Pierre yet, but she seemed to be getting her confidence back, she must of had a drink. "Look James, I'm not interested in you, I'm seeing someone, I have a boyfriend and you need to back the fuck off." Pierre was now close enough to grab hold of the guy. "Hey man, you heard the lady. Back off." Pulling James away from Y/n and going to stand in front of her. "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, this bitch is mine." Pierre's fist clenched and Y/n grabbed it quickly to stop him from attacking the guy. "I'm her boyfriend, arsehole." and with that Pierre turned around and kissed Y/n with such vigour he could have knocked her off her feet. "Bullshit, I've seen tiktoks like this, you're just some famous guy with a saviour complex. Now get the fuck out of my way." Pierre laughed in his face, "Look mate,you know who I am, sick. I'm guessing by now you've worked out that I've been her brother's best friend for close to 20 years. I'm dating Y/n and if you don't back the fuck off, I will crack your skull. I know what you did to her, and you're lucky you're still alive." James was evidently spooked by that, not realising that one of the top F1 drivers would happily kill him, and could easily ruin his life. After such a realisation he huffed and walked away. "P, you aren't really dressed for a club" Y/n said gesturing to his outfit, sweatpants and a team t-shirt. "Shall we go back to your place and watch a movie?" Pierre nodded and grabbed her hand, collecting his keys from the valet. Y/n clambered into the car, fiddling with her hands. "So..." Pierre said awkwardly, "I'm your boyfriend now? That was fast" Y/n looked at him shocked. "No, not yet at least. I just knew he'd respect a guy, more than he'd respect me saying no" she paused, "I mean we know he doesn't take my no's as an answer". Pierre's hand gripped the steering wheel hard. "Are you okay?" Y/n nodded, pulling one of his hands off the steering wheel and holding it in hers. "I am now." and she smiled.

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