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Y/n and Pierre didn't talk that night. Well, not about why she was upset. Pierre already knew that. He wanted to kill Yuki. He wanted to tell him to shut up because Y/n had feelings, He wanted to tell him to stop because this was Charles' little sister, not a random girl. However, that last point made Pierre fall short. He couldn't tell Yuki this because A) he would immediately tell everyone, and B) because he knew his actions should be affected by this too. He also knew he needed a lock on his driver room door. Y/n on the other hand was dealing with a whole other set of issues. Everyone was mocking her, just like in high school. Y/n was also starting to mentally doubt this 'thing' with Pierre. Why did he want to keep it so private? Why did she? Was all of this worth lying to her family and getting relentlessly mocked. Deep down she knew what she felt for Pierre was worth it, but was what everyone else said about him true? Did he only want one thing?

The next day Y/n had left before Pierre could wake up. She hadn't even slept. She was feeling quite self destructive. As soon as she got out of Pierre's room, she went to the gym, and worked herself hard, too hard. Then she went back to the family shared suite, explained she'd gone to the gym early to her brothers, and had rapidly gotten ready. As soon as they reached the track it was mayhem. Her phone wouldn't stop buzzing, messages from Pierre, and Charlotte, asking if she was okay, and messages from Ferrari giving her new jobs to do. The buzzing was making her so overstimulated that without thinking she threw her phone off the balcony of the Ferrari motorhome and it smashed down onto the concreted paddock. She knew she would regret it eventually, but the peace made her smile. Y/n had been avoiding everyone all day. She'd only briefly seen her brothers that morning, leaving for the paddock sooner than them, saying she had so much work to get done before the race. She decided her best choice was to go hide somewhere. She made her way to the very end of the paddock, finding a piece of grass behind the Haas garage and lying down. She ended up falling asleep. 

Y/n was being shaken awake. "Y/n, Y/n, are you okay?" a voice said. When she opened her eyes she was met by mick schumacher leaning over her. "What's up" Y/n said instantly resorting to German, seeing as she was talking to Mick. "What's up? Charles and Arthur have been looking for you everywhere! The race ended half an hour ago" Y/n immediately leapt to her feet. Probably too quickly for someone who hadn't eaten since lunchtime the day before, and who had done a massive two hour workout that morning. Before Mick's eyes the girl crumbled, "Fuck" he mumbled, reaching down and picking the small girl up bridal style. He quickly walked through the paddock, holding her tightly, looking everywhere for Charles, to hand off his unconscious sister. He could see the three Leclerc's brother and Charlotte standing outside the ferrari motorhome. "Charles" Mick called as he approached. Charles hadn't heard him, too busy on the phone. Charlotte had though. Her head whipped around and she gasped and ran forward towards Mick and the unconcious girl. This obviously caught the other attention, immediately following suit. "Mick! What happened?" Charles asked, as Arthur reached forward, taking his sister from Mick and lying her on the ground. "I found her asleep on the patch of grass at the end of the paddock, you know, behind Haas. I obviously startled her or something, because she leapt up and then fainted, almost immediately". The three brother's were looking at their sister frantic. Arthur was lightly tapping Y/n's face, Lorenzo was checking her pulse, and Charles was shouting at a Ferrari staff member to get the ambulance. They couldn't understand what was going on with their sister. Charlotte had an idea though. "When was the last time anyone saw her eat?" Charlotte quietly muttered. "What?" Charles shouted over the chaos. "I said, when was the last time any of you saw her eat." Arthur looked up, "Probably Friday, but she had lunch with you yesterday, no?" Charlotte shook her head, "She had one proper mouthful of a salad, and then had something she needed to do". Lorenzo looked between his two brothers. He had only arrived that morning, after Y/n had already left. "You're telling me she hasn't eaten since Friday, and even then you aren't 100 percent sure she ate?" he shouted at his brothers. Charlotte quietly said, "I don't think she's properly eaten a full meal since we've been here," Lorenzo rounded on Charlotte, "You're telling me she most likely hasn't eaten since Wednesday?" Charles stepped in between the two, "Enzo, calm down, it's been crazy busy around here, she probably just ate at random times and no one saw, you know how she gets about eating in front of people". Mick was still stood there awkwardly, watching the four monegasques argue. He saw the ambulance coming down the paddock. "Guys!" everyone turned to him, "Move!" he said pointing to the paramedics who were coming with a stretcher. As they loaded Y/n into the ambulance with Lorenzo getting in behind, Charlotte turned to the remaining Leclerc's, "There's something you should know."

Y/n woke up in the ambulance, someone was holding her hand, her stomach was killing her and there was an insane amount of beeping. "What's happening?" Y/n asked. "Does she speak Italian or English, we can't speak french" one of the paramedics asked Lorenzo. "Both, but her italian isn't the best, English is better" he said frantically not dropping his hand from his sister's. "Hey sweetheart, my name is Isabella, I'm a paramedic, and you're currently in an ambulance on the way to hospital" the paramedic said softly. "Why does my stomach hurt so bad?" She cried and squeezed her brother's hand. The paramedic immediately sprung into action.

 "On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is the pain?" 

"Nine" Y/n answered

"When was the last time you ate"

"I'm not sure"

"How much exercise have you done recently?"


"Have you been experiencing higher levels of anxiety recently"


The paramedic turned to Lorenzo, "I think she has a stomach ulcer, perhaps a ruptured appendix, or maybe is internally bleeding somewhere due to increased acid build up. Either way I am going to sedate her, otherwise she will be in agony." Lorenzo nodded. "And she's going to need emergency surgery." The paramedic reached for the sedative and injected Y/n quickly. Lorenzo felt her hand go limp and let out a whimper. When they finally arrived at the hospital, Y/n was taken to surgery immediately, and Lorenzo just sat there, in the waiting room, until his brother's arrived.

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