9: Truthful Lies

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"Remember when I came to class with a broken arm?" Izuku smiled at his childhood friend, who could only stare at him disbelivingly. He combed his fringe back with his fingers. "I broke it when I unconsciously used my Quirk to soften my landing. A large gust of wind propelled me through one of the building's windows. I was fortunate that it was abandoned."

     "No way…" still, despite his precise explanation, Kacchan refused to believe him. Izuku didn't blame him. If he had found out that his Quirkless childhood friend had leapt off a building, then obtained a Quirk mid-fall… He wouldn't believe himself, either.

     However, this was a world of superpowered individuals. Anything was possible, so Kacchan shouldn't be questioning whether Izuku's story was plausible or not. Then again, for all he knew, Izuku could be lying to him to get under his skin, and he had actually gotten his Quirk from elsewhere. But if he was thinking logically, his mindset shouldn't be the latter.

     "I didn't want to tell you," Izuku sighed, "Not because I was worried that you would beat yourself up about it… But because I knew it would cause a rift between us."

     "You… You jumped. You fucking idiot, why did you listen to me?!" Kacchan stormed up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders. His eyes seemingly ignited with a fire that could have burnt Izuku from the inside out, had he not been accustomed to this fierce gaze.

     "I apologise," Izuku bowed his head.

     "You… eh, you…" Izuku could feel the way Kacchan's hands trembled as he gripped his shoulders tighter. Regret, sorrow, hatred… Izuku could sense everything that Kacchan was feeling.

     "You shouldn't blame yourself," he said, "The past is in the past. No use dwelling on it, now."

     "…" Still, despite Izuku's insistence, Kacchan refused to lift his head. Was it the wrong move to tell Kacchan about this? It didn't even happen in this timeline. And at the time, he didn't receive a Quirk. He had to be rescued.

     "Fuck, you… you're an idiot. Why did you…" Usually, Izuku would be the one muttering. But, currently, it didn't seem that way. Kacchan's chest heaved. Izuku chewed on the inside of his mouth and looked away. He couldn't bear to look at his hero—he looked so vulnerable and full of despair, just like the moment before Izuku had died.

     Kacchan's hand loosened from Izuku's collar, revealing how crumpled it had become. Izuku wrapped his arms around his childhood friend's midsection and pressed his ear against his chest, disguising his intent as a sentimental embrace. As Izuku listened to Kacchan's rapid heartbeat, he whispered soothing words and rubbed his back.

     Eventually, Kacchan's heart rate went down and Izuku finally let go of him. "Feeling better?" He asked, a gentle smile on his face. If it were any other person, Izuku would have just walked away as they were having a panic attack. Kacchan should be grateful.

     "Tch," Kacchan's head was still lowered, his fists trembling by his sides. With a slightly stuttering voice, he said, "I didn't need your help. You can go…" Stopping himself before he could say any more, he gulped. "…For all I care."

     Izuku smiled fondly as he watched Kacchan storm away with his usual march. He would stuff his hands into his pockets and lift his legs peculiarly high, one after another to resemble steps. A passerby would give him a weird look.


"I found you."

     Izuku grinned like a Cheshire cat as he stared at his laptop screen. The USJ Attack was approaching unnervingly quickly. Izuku couldn't recall much of the events that had occurred, so he had to improvise.

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