8: What Could Be

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Izuku wanted to laugh, scream and cry. On one hand, he was relieved because he managed to refrain from killing Kacchan and everyone else in the building. On the other, however, he couldn't stop the overwhelming guilt he was feeling. He had used a weapon against his hero.

     Actually—screw laughing, screaming and crying. Izuku wanted nothing more than to plunge a knife through his chest. It wouldn't be the first time he died, anyhow. The world would be much, much safer without needing to deal with him. To think that even after several months under All Might, Izuku was still being affected by All For One's brainwashing. Granted, it wasn't his fault because he had been with the League for nearly a decade.

      Izuku muttered apologies to Eraserhead, the latter sitting at his bedside. Izuku was being treated in Recovery Girl's office for the burns he had gotten during Battle Training. He couldn't bear to look his teacher in the eyes, so he covered his. Tears still manage to seep through his palms, though, and roll down his cheeks. What a tragedy it was, to show such weakness to a hero.

     "Midoriya, I need you to calm down."

     Calm down? How the fuck was he supposed to do that? He was going backwards. Instead of focussing on getting rid of All For One, a part of him wanted to stop being resentful towards his master and even start supporting him again. Izuku couldn't forgive himself for thinking like that.

     "I would have killed him," Izuku sobbed, rubbing his eyes with his forearm. Tears flowed like an endless river, rolling off his cheeks and dripping onto his lap. "Does that…

     "Does that make me a villain?"

     Eraserhead frowned. He pulled Izuku into a gentle embrace, patting him on the back in silent support. Izuku buried his face into his teacher's shoulder and continued to let out his emotions.

     "No, it doesn't…" he heard Eraserhead say, just as his consciousness began to slip from his grasp.

     Another nightmare surfaced in his head, one he didn't even know was a fear of his. Once Izuku lifted his eyelids, he was met by a barrage of blood and guts. He wanted to curl up and hurl, but his body was unresponsive. Looking down at his hands, his eyes widened in terror upon seeing them covered in the same red substance that cascaded the streets.

     Attempting to distract himself, Izuku looked away. But another sight met him. A much more gruesome one. Corpses—all of people he recognised. They included even Tomura, who was supposed to be under the control of All For One in this situation, and the rest of the league. However, instead of ending there, the range of people continued. Class 1-A laid on the ground, mutilated beyond identification. Izuku could see their tattered hero costumes, less colourful and more stained with crimson.

     On the far end, Izuku could see Kacchan barely on his knees. He looked as though he could faceplant into the ground at any moment. Through the strands of his blond hair, Kacchan was glaring at him fiercely. Izuku willed his body to run towards his hero, but it merely began to walk slowly.

     Izuku was confused. It was like he didn't have control over his own body. Was this the effects of a dream?

     "St… Stay away, Monster," Kacchan spat his words venomously, his… remaining arm forming a sloppy boxing stance. His chest heaved with every breath, and his eyes trembled at the sight of Izuku. But why?

     Izuku's hand extended, and he could faintly see his veins bulging from his arm. They tinted a pitch-black hue that startled Izuku. The only one who had that Quirk was…

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