22: Endeavor

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Musutafu passed by the windows in a blur of city lights. Izuku pressed his forehead against the glass, sighing tiredly. The previous night's ordeal was fresh in his mind, and the train's destination hadn't done anything to soothe him. Endeavor's agency was all the way in Tokyo, at least a twenty-minute train ride.

Izuku turned his attention to his classmate beside him, who was concentrated on his phone. He promised himself that no harm would come to Todoroki or his family, as long as Izuku was around. The Todoroki Family had suffered for far too long by the hands of the Number 2 Hero.

"You don't have to worry, Todoroki," Izuku's fingers brushed against his classmate's, which were shaking by his side. Todoroki turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows, and Izuku returned his expression with a reassuring smile. Slowly, his facial features began to calm and soon, Todoroki's usual nonchalance returned.

"Why did you... choose Endeavor's agency? Is it because he's a top-ranking hero?" Todoroki's voice was particularly fierce as he asked the second question, his gaze centred on his lap as he slowly pulled his hand away from Izuku's.

Izuku chose to withdraw his own hand and run his fingers through his hair in lieu. "I'm not exactly fond of top heroes, or heroes in general..." He hesitated, but noticing Todoroki's curious glance, continued regardless. "Society is too reliant on heroes, and that has... is causing its downfall. This is a result of All Might being the Symbol of Peace, as he acts as the singular pillar that holds up an entire estate."

"But... What's the problem with that?" Todoroki inquired, attempting to refute Izuku's thesis. He couldn't blame him—despite being one of the few that had experienced the flawed society, Todoroki had lived within its walls for far too long. "All Might should be able to handle the pressure, right? He's the strongest there is, physically and probably mentally."

"It doesn't matter if All Might's shoulders can withstand the weight of the world," Izuku shook his head slowly. He then looked his friend directly in the eyes with a fire burning in his emerald own, almost turning them red with passion. "The Symbol of Peace is human... that is the fact that most forget because of the overwhelming strength that he possesses. One day, that pillar will fall—be it by natural means or something else entirely. Once that time arrives, society will be thrown into disarray and people will start to question the reliability of heroes. Can you guess what happens after that?"

"...The heroes lose," Todoroki breathed, seemingly taken aback by his own conclusion moments later. "I... I mean–"

"Hosu City," the train system's monotonous voice echoed throughout the cabin, distracting Todoroki from the words that he was about to stammer out. He opened his mouth to continue, only for Izuku to shake his head with a sigh.

"I want you to think about my words, and even yours, very carefully. By the end of this internship, I want to hear your final opinion on this matter." Izuku rose from his seat and walked toward the doors of the cabin, just as they opened. He turned back only briefly, to look at Todoroki, and wore an impassive expression on his face. "For now, we have a flaming trashbag to deal with."


There was a tense ambience that surrounded Endeavour's agency building. The Number Two Hero's sidekicks merely stood by in silence as Izuku and the hero himself maintain each other's stares. They didn't know how to react to the interaction, accustomed to Endeavour being the more dominant figure.

"Endeavour," Izuku greeted, nodding his head in respect. Or, well, faux respect—shown just for appearances.

"Izuku Midoriya..." came the reply, though it was more aggressive and condescending. Izuku's pride almost didn't allow himself to be spoken to in that manner. If there was one thing that he had learnt throughout his time in this alternate universe, it was to not create problems with so-called higher-ups. He wanted to become a hero, after all.

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