13: Pushing Forward

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The classroom went silent as Izuku entered. He lowered his head and made a beeline for his desk, only for two of his classmates to block his path. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at him with worry in their eyes.

"Hey, man. We heard about what happened... You were battling against one of the main villains alone, and we couldn't help." Kirishima scratched his cheek with a remorseful expression.

"On the bright side, we heard that you looked super cool while fighting that big monster!" Kaminari chipped in, grinning despite the mood. "I wish I could've seen it!"

Izuku frowned, "Who told you that I..."

"Some of us witnessed the fight," Todoroki chimed in, walking up to the bunch. He was usually quiet and reserved, so Izuku was taken by slight surprise when he spoke up.

"We, um... You looked really focussed, so we felt like we'd only be bothers if we tried to help." Uraraka said, lips pressing into a thin line as she avoided Izuku's gaze.

"Oh, you definitely would have distracted me." Izuku admitted, which caused a few of his classmates to wince. "Which is why you shouldn't be beating yourselves up about not being able to help."

He walked past his group of classmates and set his backpack next to the leg of his desk. "You should probably return to your seats," he nodded toward the door, "Eraser's here."

Everybody scrambled to their seats as Eraserhead came through the door. He sighed and stood behind the lectern at the front of th classroom. Running a hand through his hair, he said, "Your fight isn't over yet."

Izuku frowned as the rest of the class stiffened. They must have a little trauma if they reacted like that. Then again, who wouldn't have trauma from a villain attack? Especially since they were only high schoolers... Well, except Izuku, but he already had his own fair share of scarring events.

"The sports festival is coming up," Eraserhead announced. That statement earlier must have been to gauge whether the class needed therapy. Obviously, they did. The class erupted with noise, cheering about having a normal school event. Technically, the sports festival wasn't normal, was it? No other school hosted it. "That being said, I expect at least one of you to make it to the podium."

Iida's hand shot upward, and Eraserhead sighed again as he called on him. "Sir! Is it wise to host a festival after UA had been attacked by villains?" He had a point. But if UA's principal was anything like Izuku thought he was, he wouldn't let something like a villain attack hinder an important event like the sports festival.

"I thought it was illogical too, but I can't really argue with the principal once he sets his mind on something..." Eraserhead grumbled. "He reasons that hosting the sports festival, regardless of a villain attack, shows the world that UA is still standing strong despite."

Clearly, Nezu didn't really understand human emotion... If he did, he would be more considerate toward his students' well-being. Oh, well. It was his school, who was Izuku to judge the way he did things? Besides, Izuku kind of felt bad for burning down his school in the previous timeline...

Lunch approached soon enough, and Izuku would be the first one out the door... If not for the people that crowded the doorway. This was certainly a surprise. The herd of students quitened down once he opened the door, staring at him like deers caught in headlights. Izuku glanced behind him, but frowned as he saw Eraserhead tucking himself into his sleeping bag, wearing earmuffs.

"Do you need something?" Izuku smiled shyly and tilted his head at the students. He hid his hands behind his back and fidgetted with his sleeves. Never had he spoken to so many people before...

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