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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Being checked into the prison was way smoother than I thought, but lucky for me my corrections officer Alisha was an old friend of my mom's, the woman not caring about my piercings and let me keep my phone without making me pay to keep it with me.

The "cells" were basically like dorm rooms, with two bunks to each room, plus some cubicle "rooms" reminding me of that show "Orange is the new black" but lucky for me our uniforms were black.

"And this is where you'll be staying" the officer spoke before walking off, my bunk mates all seeming to be around the same age as me, two of the girls black while the other was Latina.

"Oh shit you're so pretty," the girl with braids said to me, almost surprising me when I walked in.

"Thank you, y'all are all pretty" I smiled, the three girls beginning to introduce themselves.

The girl with braids was Sasha, the other girl was Aaliyah, and the last one was named Sofia.

The three girls were so sweet and helped me get settled, but now we were on the topic of how was got to be here, talking about this topic till free time began, and the three would introduce me to their friends.

And first up was Sasha.

"My ex-boyfriend had set me up, he was selling drugs but I was somehow to blame, but before my court date I had shot him and his side girl" Sasha explained, surprising me.

"Your turn Aaliyah" "ight Damn, anyways me and this girl had gotten into it, but I don't fight I'm too pretty for that, but I do shoot, so I'll be here for I think eleven more years, but less then that cause of my lawyer" the girl explained, and now it was Sofia's turn.

"I was doing a lot, to be honest, I stole, set my ex's car on fire which made it explode, I'm just surprised I only get ten years" Sofia laughed.

"But anyways, what about you, beautiful?" Sasha asked me "my ex was putting his hands on my brother and when I found out I had beat him to death, or I almost did till the police tased me" "Damn how long did it take them to get there?" Aaliyah asked "thirty minutes" I simply spoke, the three girls seeming a bit surprised.

"You were beating him for thirty minutes?" "Mhm, but my family has a few connections so I'll be here for seven years" after that, the girls even made me show a photo of Jackson after I was done with him, we were now just chilling.

"Oh it's free time now, come on Beautiful" Sofia said, the three girls were excited to show me off to their friends, Sofia pushing passed girls like it was nothing till we made it to the boys' dormitories.

We began to come up on a larger group of boys, a girl already there.

"Hey Hannah," Sasha said to the girl, her and everyone turning to us, giving me a better look.

"Hey, is this the new girl?" Hannah asked "yeah, her name is Y/n," Sofia said, pushing me forward.

"Yeah that's me, hey" I smiled "Hm, wouldn't guess a pretty little thing like you would be here," a taller boy said, sharp eyes looking at me.

"I wouldn't have guessed either" I shrugged.

Anyways so the boys' names were Fallon, Elijah, Marcus, Diego, and Chase.

They were all kind of intimidating when it comes to looks, but they were also kind of dumb.

Again everyone had told me why they were here and the same for me.

"Oh shit, shawty whooped his ass" Elijah laughed at the photo "let me not mess with you ma, not tryna end up like him" Marcus spoke as I laughed.

"Nah as long as my brother's fine, I won't do anything," I say, feeling Fallon's eyes on me.

"Hm, protective, I like that" Fallon nodded before we had all walked outside, making me wonder what he meant by that.

Anyways a few guys had approached us to "introduce themselves" always ending up in a form of a compliment and an invitation to their bed after lights out.

Lucky for me my new group of messed-up friends were all here and it was funny to see them shut it down, but once we had walked outside, a white girl came over, pushing me out of the way in the process.

"Hey boys, how are you guys?" She smiled, all of them sharing a look before Fallon let out a cocky grin before pushing passed the girl.

"You know you shouldn't push Angel's, it's bad luck" the man grinned, the blond looking at me.

"That new bitch ain't nowhere close to looking like an Angel" "and you are?" Hannah spoke up, the blond rolling her eyes.

"Whatever bitch, anyways I'm Kennedy, enjoy your stay here bitch" and with that Kennedy walked off to a small group of girls, all of them glancing over at me before laughing and heading back inside.

"That bitch is gonna get fucked up one day I promise you"

The rest of the day was pretty cool actually, and I had texted Aiden, knowing that my phone was now being watched by the prison till I'm able to leave.

Anyways after Aiden had gone to sleep and I had placed my phone on the charger, I was now staring up at the ceiling, holding up my bruised hands in the cold air that made the wounds ach.

I know people all around think that I've done something wrong, others on my side, knowing I was only looking out for my brother, but I didn't care about what kind of image I made, as long as my family's fine then I'm all good.

And with that passing thought, I pulled my covers over my chest, allowing myself to fall asleep.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
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