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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯

"*groan* man will he shut up?" I groaned, practically falling over my own feet, Sofia the one to catch me.

"Careful love, can't keep falling like that" Sofia joked as we stood outside of our dorm, the officer just counting us before walking off, the four of us going back inside to gather our things before going to the showers, surprisingly able to make it there before a few people.

As the hot water hit my skin and I used the hygiene products that were more or less brought in for me by Alisha, the woman said she was only doing this because I'm a "good kid" and she owes my mom the satisfaction of me being taken care of.

"Who the hell has bath and body works in here?" I heard someone yell, my shower curtains opening up to Kennedy.

"Bitch what the fuck is your problem?" I yelled, covering my chest with my hands.

"Oh shit, you have a whole basket of stuff" Kennedy pointed out, my basket carrying all my hygiene from home, even my skincare and actual toothpaste.

"Yeah, and it's for me" "tch, don't get too cocky, it's just your second day here" Kennedy laughed before leaving, having me close the curtains myself, going back to my shower.

Now I did know I had it better than most here on the fact that my corrections officer is a family friend who bends the rules for me and makes the other guards and warden turn a blind eye, but at the same time, there's not much I can do about all of that.

But anyways after getting ready for the day, we went into the large cafeteria for breakfast, grabbing our food and going over to the table of boys to eat with them.

"Morning girls" Chase greeted, kissing Sofia on the lips, making a brow raise at the two.

"Didn't know that was a thing" I say, even more, taken back when Diego kissed Aaliyah.

"Well besides them, you look good for your first day here Beautiful, you got any tips?" Fallon asked me "oh she has the hookups, even had extras to give us" Sasha spoke "not surprised, beauty gotta stay beautiful" Fallon joked, making me roll my eyes before taking a bite of the eggs on my tray.

Now once breakfast was over, almost everyone had things to do, some worked in the kitchen or library, and others were in the little clubs, and so out of boredom and being left alone, I bought a notebook and colored pencils, going into the library and sitting at a table to the far off corner, beginning to draw.

Normally I'm not the artist type, but when I'm bored with nothing to do then a doodle might pop up.

As I drew whatever popped up, someone had walked over, that someone being Alisha.

"Got all comfy in the corner huh?" She asked "yeah I haven't found anything interesting to join," I say.

"yeah I get that, but besides that, I just got off the phone with your mom, she misses you, but I'm sure you get her texts from time to time," Alisha says as I nodded "yeah, but what's up? I'm sure you aren't here for just a check-up"

"well I am here to check in, but also I need you to keep all your nice things hidden, Kennedy and her friends have been walking passed your dorm so many times that I damn near got dizzy"

The two of us laughed, adding to the joke for a bit before catching our breaths.

"Whew, but yeah I have, but um, what are the rules on visiting the boys?" I asked, Alisha raised a brow at me.

"Don't tell me you already got a little fling in here" "no not that, but it'd be good to know" I say, Alisha, letting out a sigh before telling me the rules.

We were all free to be on whichever side we wanted during the day, but at night we better at least be there before room check so we don't get into any trouble.

"Now you better not do any sneaking around, there's a reason they sell condoms and plan b at commissary" the woman advised as I gave her a nod before watching her walk off, leaving me to my doodles.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 742

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