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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It was another morning and after doing a room check I was about to grab my hygiene basket, but it wasn't there.

"Where is it?" I stressed, looking all around for the basket before hearing girls laughing, reminding me of high school when a group of people pick on a smaller kid, just laughing without a care in the world.

"Please don't tell me it's who I think it is," I say to Sasha "oh it is here" Sofia informed me as I walked out to see Kennedy and her friends with my things.

"Aw here goes the sleeping beauty, let's see what we have here" Kennedy laughed.

"Kennedy give it back," I say, reaching out for the basket that she pulled away from me.

"Calm down Y/n, we're just looking, and look at this, body scrub," Kennedy says while throwing each product of mine onto the ground, just about to throw my skincare as well till I came face to face with her.

"Give me my shit back Kennedy, I am not fucking playing with you" I gritted, knowing everyone was watching this all play out.

"Oh looks like someone's gained some confidence" Kennedy mocked a smirk creeping up on her lips before I slapped her.

"I nearly killed my ex with my own hands, I'm not scared to get rid of some blond bitch" I spoke, picking up my things before leaving to the showers to get ready, my friends laughing at Kennedy and the look she made.

Once I did get ready though, Fallon was kind of following me around.

"Do you need something?" I asked, the boy following me to the soda machine "maybe, but I'd have to tell you that in private" the man grinned as I ignored him, buying the two of us sprite.

"Come tell me then" I smiled, laughing at the surprised look on Fallon's face.

"Don't play like that, Beautiful"

After some walking around, we ended up going to Fallon's room, the boy quick to pull me closer to him, ignoring my concerned glances as we walked passed guys that I swear had more muscle than neck.

"Maybe prison is scary," I say, sitting on Fallon's bed, "Nah most of these guys wouldn't touch a fly, but at the same time, you should be a bit cautious" "of them or you?" I asked, watching the boy stand between my legs.

"You should be cautious of me, but not for the same reasons"

"Pft sure" I laughed, laying down, allowing for Fallon to get onto the bed, the two of us talking about our lives before all of this.

Fallon was an all-A's kind of kid and was always popular too, but eventually, things started getting to his head, and well, some crimes were committed some more dangerous and concerning than others.

sure I knew the story of how he got locked up but I still always love to know the "why" in it all, but maybe that's the psychology talking.

And then it was my turn to talk, and I guess it was kind of easy to understand how I made it here. I used to be bullied around my brother's age, pretty badly, and one day the girls took it too far, but lucky for me my mom was already walking over to the bus stop to meet me halfway, just before the girls could cut me with a knife.

After all of that we moved and five years had passed and my parents had my brother, and something had changed in me, sure I didn't let anyone hurt me like that, but I didn't want my brother to get hurt like that either, and I guess it's easier to just get rid of the problem than dealing with it.

"Well as much as I like hanging out and trauma dumping, I gotta go work the kitchen for lunch" Fallon stated "oh I didn't know that" it was a bit surprising to hear that Fallon, someone who seems like an asshole, would pick something like the kitchen to work at.

"Yeah well I only do lunches on certain days" he informed, "that makes sense, but I guess it's fine, I have to help in the library," I said as the two of us got off of his bed.

"Want me to walk you there?" "You don't have to," I say, just about to walk out of the room when Fallon grabbed my arm.

"I'm walking you there, so let's go" he states, the two of us now walking to the library, some guys calling me "Princess" the name being my new nickname amongst everyone.

Anyways we had made it to the library, Fallon making one last joke before leaving to the kitchen, allowing me to get started.

I had already gotten a small tour of the library and I come here to doodle in my notebook so I know my way around, already putting books in their places and even grabbing a book that had caught my eye.

And as I worked I was able to listen to my music from my phone, still not paying attention to anything around me unless otherwise.

But after leaving the mystery section, someone had walked up to me, a taller guy who had a buzz cut, blond hair sticking out along with his arms, the man towering over me at the moment, striking slight fear in me because he had to be a good 6'7/8.

"Yes?" "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if a pretty thing like you could recommend a good book to me," he asked, a smug smirk on his lips as he stood a bit too close for comfort.

"Yeah sure, uh what kind of books do you like?" "Crime, something thrilling or whatever you guys say" with that information I had led the man to our crime section, bending down to a book I had read a few years ago that I knew was interesting.

"This one should be good" I handed him the book, the man grabbing the book from me.

"Thanks, princess, can't wait to check it out, I'm Mike, by the way, I'll catch you later sweetheart" he spoke before walking out a weird feeling settling in my stomach before going back to what I was previously doing.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1066

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