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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Currently, it was breakfast and me and the girls were in line to get food, having already been in the showers and all of that good stuff.

"Here, Fallon made this one for you," a girl said to me with a small smile, handing me a tray with about three waffles, bacon, and eggs.

"Oh thank you" I smiled, grabbing the tray before walking off to our usual table, the guys were already there, along with Fallon who was sitting next to my normal seat, but instead I had Aaliyah sit there for me, a thank you coming from me.

"Thanks for the food by the way," I say to Fallon, not looking at him as I spoke, everyone kind of awkwardly sitting there till Elijah made some random joke that had us all talking.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As everyone talked like normal, Fallon was the only silent one, eyes trained on Y/n, hurt at the fact that she didn't even attempt to look at him.

But Fallon had just decided to leave it be, knowing Y/n did have a right to be upset with him.

After a bit of talking and eating, breakfast was over and Y/n had to work at the library for a bit.

"Hey I'll be right back," Fallon said to the kitchen staff, walking off before any of them could even say "ok".

And now Fallon was practically running to the library, his stomach turning as he got closer, a bit worried about whether or not he'd be forgiven.

But once he stepped foot in the library Fallon let out a breath of air before walking around, looking for the woman.

Eventually, he did find Y/n, the woman chilling in the far-off corner of the library where nobody would bother her.

"You seem comfy," the boy said, scaring Y/n for a second till she saw it was him.

"Yeah it is, so you need something?" She asked, using the same tone that Fallon had used with her.

"Y-yeah, I need to talk to you" "about?" It was like Y/n had turned cold-hearted, but Fallon didn't see the way she played with her nails, or the almost excited look in her eye once she saw who was talking to her.

But also Y/n wasn't aware of how bad Fallon felt about this situation, but the point was quickly understood when Fallon dropped to his knees, scaring Y/n for a second as she quickly stood up, now looking at the man in shock.

"Fallon what the hell? Get up" "no, I'll get up if you let me apologize for yesterday" "what? Just get up and do it"

Now lucky for Y/n there wasn't anyone in the library as of now, but it didn't stop her from being just a bit embarrassed or stop the prideful grin on her face.

"Fine, you can apologize" Y/n finally said, looking down at Fallon.

"Look I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions, brushing you off and I didn't even try to listen to you" "mhm" "and I mean this with full honesty, I really am sorry, guess I shouldn't have let my feelings cloud my judgement"

At the mention of his feelings, Y/n was a bit confused but decided to keep quiet, wanting this moment to go on for a bit longer.

"Yeah you didn't have the best judgment," Y/n said with a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Yeah and I'm sorry about that it's just-" "Fallon it's okay, I forgive you" Y/n laughed, sitting down in front of the man.

"Really?" "Mhm, but don't get too happy, I only forgave you because you give me extras" Y/n exaggerated.

"Guess that's a good enough reason" "of course it is, but uh how about we talk about those feelings" she smiled "why? You gonna tell me something Miss Psychologist?" "Maybe"

For a moment Fallon had chuckled to himself before getting close to Y/n.

"I like you Y/n, a lot" "Hm wanna show me how much you like me?" Y/n taunted, feeling Fallon's hand on her cheek before kissing her deeply.

As the two kissed, Fallon's other hand rested on Y/n's thigh, and just like that Mike had walked in with his sister, the two looking for Y/n, Cassie the first to see the moment, quietly laughing to herself.

"Guess Fallon won huh?" She asked after Mike walked out.

"He hasn't won shit" "well you keep that attitude cause I think I want me a little taste of Y/n too" Cassie grinned before walking away from her brother, Mike rolling his eyes as he went the opposite way from his sister.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 799

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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