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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Wow Fallon, is it me, or have you been giving Princess over there, extras?" Alex, one of Fallon's friends in the kitchen asked, the two of them looking over at Y/n whose lunch just had a bit more than everyone else's, even getting a bigger brownie.

"Why does it matter?" Fallon asked, ignoring his friend as they handed out food to everyone.

"It matters because you've been in and out of this prison and not once have you been with a girl and I know that hand is getting tired" Alex laughed, Fallon rolling his eyes.

"I'd stab you if I didn't care about being released early" Fallon threatened, his eyes drifting off to Y/n who had a smile on her face, unknowingly placing a smile on Fallon's as well.

Once lunch had ended and Y/n had the rest of the day to herself, she and the girls were all in bed, either taking a nap or talking.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Oh, Y/n how's your little brother? He's so sweet" Hannah asked me "he's doing good, he and my parents just went back to school shopping," I say, feeling kind of sad that I wasn't able to simply be there to pick outfits, having to just look at pictures of the outfits Aiden picked for himself, obviously having some of my fashion influence.

I guess everyone could tell my mood was dropping and so the subject was changed to books, the girls wanted me to give them recommendations since I work in the library.

"Oh and y'all should look at" "Hey is Princess in here? Or well Y/n," someone asked, all of us looking to see it was Mike.

"Yeah she's right here, but why are you asking for her?" Sofia asked, her tone a bit harsh.

"I just wanted to give her something," the man said, everyone, looking at me for my decision, and I decided to get up, walking into the hall with Mike.

"What's up?" I asked, still feeling just a bit uncomfortable till seeing Mike's large hands hold out my favorite chips and soda, making me look at him a bit confused at the offer.

"What's this for?" I ask "for you, but jokes aside, I uh just wanted to be nice" Mike confessed, my eyes widening slightly before returning to normal, a soft smile on my lips as I grabbed the snack from him.

"Thank you, and I'll pay you back for these" "Nah you don't have to like I said, I just wanted to be nice" and with that Mike winked at me before walking off.

"What was that about?" A voice behind me asked, nearly making me shout in surprise before seeing it was just Diego and Elijah.

"Damn yall almost made me pass out" after my statement the two boys laughed before asking again why Mike was just here, and I didn't mind answering.

"That was nice but don't keep accepting things from him," Chase said, "why?" "Cause after some time you'll get used to it, it's some weird psychological shit, I'm sure you know what it is Miss psychologist, and also nobody just gives things away to be nice" Elijah explained to me.

"I give people things" "that's not the same Princess, you're just a cool person, and not everyone else is as cool as you" Aaliyah stated, making me smile before we decided to just not talk about the Mike thing.

And eventually, Fallon had shown up, going straight to my top bunk, climbing up and laying down, his head on my lap.

"You had a long day?" I asked "yeah, I barely got to talk to you" Fallon exaggerated, everyone quietly laughing.

"You saw me this morning and at lunch though" "so? That was so long ago" the man complained, now simply hugging my waist.

"Aww the big bad Fallon can't live without Y/n" Marcus laughed, Fallon, holding up a middle finger at him.

"Shouldn't be talking" Fallon grumbled to himself, all of us just ignoring him, the rest of our time kind of going like this till dinner, Cassie sitting at a table beside us, glancing at me when nobody noticed.

I had ignored Cassie, seeing as she'd hangout with Kennedy a lot.

But now it was time for bed, the boys going to the male unit while we left as well, saying goodnight to each other before going to bed.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 747

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