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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Its been a full two weeks since coming to the prison, Aiden and my parents visit me two days out of the week, my brother talking to me about school starting next month, and my parents also making notes that they'd be paying a bit extra to make sure I can keep my phone and text when needed to.

It's amazing what money can do for you in the system honestly, but no amount of money is worth more than the bright smile on my brother's face when he comes to visit or when we face time.

Anyways besides visitation, the prison life isn't so rough I guess, the kitchen staff are friends of Fallon and the girls let me skip the line in the showers to get a chance to use the products that my parents would send as a part of "commissary" for a cover-up.

Yes, I had it good in here and I wasn't expecting that in all honesty, and it did kind of put a target on my back, always getting a nice note by my head in the morning that had a lovely threat from girls who promised to ruin my face one day.

But despite all of this, my group stuck up for me, and I even questioned them once for being so nice, and the answer was respectable.

"Princess we may be criminals but we also have morals and look out for each other, you're our friend now, so don't worry about all of that shit people talk in here, we won't let them touch you" Marcus explained, everyone agreeing with him.

But as of now I and the girls had snuck off to Fallon's room after breakfast, the boy sharing a room with Elijah, Chase, and Diego, Marcus's room right across from them.

"Y/n you're so cute oh my god" Hannah squealed, kissing my cheek as I smiled.

"Hannah, she's not a baby" Sasha stated, "well she's my baby, plus she doesn't mind, right Y/n?" Hannah asked me as I shrugged "yeah I don't mind"

"Mhm well besides that, you guy hear that Mike finally got out of solitary?" Diego asked, the name rings a bell for me.

"You mean that big guy? Why'd he go?" I asked, obviously oblivious "well he kind of killed a dude in here, but the prison just had him in there for about a month or so" Chase explained, reminding me that not everyone here didn't just do simple crimes, and in my case, I didn't do a "simple" crime either.

But as we all talked, it turns out that Mike has a twin sister who was supposed to be as bad as him, her name was Cassie, and she would only talk to her brother but all of the other girls were scared of her.

After learning that information the conversation eventually changed before realizing the time, all of us leaving for our jobs for a few hours.

As I walked to the library, I bumped into someone, a girl who looked fairly similar to Mike, the only difference being she was just a bit shorter, around my height.

"My bad," I say, about to move around her when she had stepping in my way.

"What's the rush princess?" Cassie asked me "I have work" I answered, seeing a grin spread across her face.

"You're so cute, I understand why everyone's been so hung up on you" she smiled, looking directly into my eyes and probably into my soul, making me feel a bit nervous and uncomfortable just as she backed up.

"Anyways I'll see you around princess, tell my brother I said hey" and with that she left, allowing for me to breathe in some fresh air before finally getting started on sorting books, trying to just ignore that whole encounter, the rest of my day going as usual.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 657

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