Chapter 8

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Bakugou did not like the look on Shinsou's face when he exited Kirishima's room and wandered past Bakugou and Deku into the kitchen.

"Hey Bakugou," he said far too casually as he opened the fridge, "the three of us are gonna have a few drinks if you two would care to join us. Do you drink, Izuku?"

Deku looked like a deer in the headlights. Bakugou glanced down at the other boy's arms and swallowed thickly before glancing away. He hoped it wasn't a sore topic for him. He looked up to see Deku looking at him with concern, however, and realized the other boy might be thinking the same thing about him.

"Shinsou, I think you have a problem," he said instead, trying to sound a little like he was joking so Deku would be able to tell that he wasn't bothered. He had been drunk texting him just the other night, after all. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure why it didn't bother him. It had taken him two years longer than his peers to even get behind the wheel of a car and learn how to drive, but maybe it was the driving aspect more than the alcohol aspect that got to him. If no one was driving, everything was okay.

"I have many problems," Shinsou retorted, "you'll have to be more specific."

"I don't drink often," Deku said hesitantly, "I'm kind of a lightweight and I don't drink if I'm not staying the night."

"You could sleep on the couch," Bakugou heard himself saying. He was surprised at himself. Was he into the idea of drinking again? Who even was he anymore?

As soon as Bakugou said anything about the matter, Deku looked oddly excited. "That could work," he said in a voice that sounded like he was trying to be serious but failing. "I just want to hang out, honestly."

He was looking Bakugou right in the eyes, like he was trying to be bold even though he was feeling nervous, and Bakugou wondered if maybe some dumb shit like this was what they needed to break the weird ice between them still. But what if he said something dumb? Again?

"We were also talking about maybe doing makeup again," Shinso said slyly, and Bakugou turned to scowl at him. If he was trying to tempt him, it wasn't going to work. Okay, so maybe it was working a little.

"I would be very down with no more homework for the night," Deku added, and Bakugou caved.

"Fine," he said, "but I am not getting absolutely trashed again."

"That's a personal choice," Shinsou said, "we didn't make you get trashed."

He was technically right, so Bakugou just glared at him. "Go get the other dorks, then, since you're so excited about this. I'm gonna go dig out a blanket and some pillows before everyone gets too drunk to make sure we have enough. And you're sleeping on the floor, not Deku-" he stopped and swore under his breath. "Uh, Izuku."

Shinsou looked at him curiously and then disappeared into Kirishima's room. Deku frowned at the use of his real name.

"What happened to 'Deku?'" he asked.

Bakugou didn't know if he should tell him the truth or not risk being that open, but he really wasn't sure what to say that wouldn't sound stupid, so he settled for honesty. "I, uh, have nightmares a lot. And I guess I talk. I just don't want them realizing you're someone involved in my nightmares. But I guess it's too late now anyway. They've been trying to puzzle out who 'Kacchan' and 'Deku' are for a little while now, and I'm sure they involved Shinsou in that too."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Deku looked like he didn't really know how to respond.

"It's fine," Bakugou said gruffly, stacking his notebook on his laptop and standing up. "I'll grab some blankets and be right back."

Bakugou Katsuki's Guide to Ignoring PTSDWhere stories live. Discover now