Chapter 13

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"And then, oh it was priceless, they're barely nineteen seconds into the second round, and here comes All Might with a giant left hook, I mean it was borderline a haymaker 'cept with solid technique, and he jus'-" Todoroki swayed slightly from where he was standing on the couch, and Deku grabbed his leg to steady him from his seat next to him. "Bam!" Todoroki faked a dramatic hook punch and almost fell off the couch.

"Easy there," Deku laughed, looking up at the other boy.

"-hit him right in the jaw," Todoroki continued, flailing animatedly, "and my father- you should've seen his face. It was lights out the second it connected. Just two thuds, All Might's fist hitting his face and his body hitting the floor. Best moment of my life so far, I've gotta be honest-"

"All right," Bakugou laughed at him, "that's enough, I'm taking your drink." He stood up and swayed a little too, laughing at himself before he reached up and tried to grab Todoroki's cup.

"No, 'm good," Todoroki said, pulling the cup out of reach. Bakugou glared up at him.

"At least let me set the cup down so you don't spill it," he said, and Todoroki finally reached to hand it to him.

"Hold this so I can help him down," Bakugou said to Deku, handing him the cup. Deku dutifully took it, but he released Todoroki's leg in the process and the other boy swayed again, losing his balance.

"Ah, shit," he said, and fell.

"Fuckin'-" Bakugou cursed, trying to catch him. Todoroki slammed into him and he staggered, the others bursting into giggles as he almost hit the floor. "You tryna kill me, Todoroki?"

Todoroki frowned up at Bakugou from where he was positioned limp in Bakugou's arms. It was getting difficult to hold his dead weight up, and he looked ridiculous with his shoulders pushing up around his ears and his arms sticking straight out. "I don't like it when you call me that," he said.

"Todoroki?" Bakugou asked, confused. "But-"

"Shh," Todoroki closed his eyes and shook his head, his hair flopping. "Shouto."

"Well, Shouto, " Bakugou said, amused, "you need to stand up or I'm going to drop you."

Shouto smiled with his eyes still closed, but he finally put his weight on his feet and stood. Bakugou's arms felt light once he was free of the weight.

"Come sit down, Shouto," Deku giggled at him, and Shouto turned and staggered over to him, looking very happy.

"You're as bad as Deku when you're drunk," Bakugou snorted at him. "It's like seeing a whole new person."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Deku protested, but his cheeks were flushed and he couldn't stop giggling. It was cu- funny.

"I need a new phone," Todoroki- no, Shouto- said suddenly, and Deku started giggling all over again. Shouto was . . . almost pouting.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about that?" Bakugou asked, settling back on the other couch with Kirishima and Kaminari. Shinsou was sprawled out on the floor but inching toward Kaminari as the night progressed. Subtle.

"I don't know," Shouto said. "I'll probably buy one myself now that I'm working at the gym. I definitely do not trust my father with getting me one, and I really need to stop letting him pay for things."

"Hey," Deku rubbed his arm comfortingly. "It's not your fault, he's kept you from making any money on purpose. You can change that now, but it's his fault and not yours."

"My mom just stole all mine," Bakugou said, kicking his feet up and disappearing into the pile of pillows that Kirishima insisted on having at each corner. The pillow with Kaminari's face on it was grinning right at him.

Bakugou Katsuki's Guide to Ignoring PTSDWhere stories live. Discover now