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Taehyung lays in his room, staring at the ceiling as he smokes from his apple flavored vape.

His mind is still clouded with thoughts regarding Destiny, his heart yearning for her.

He feels so pathetic, pining over a girl that he can't have. Over someone that he was too pussy to confess to.

He scoffs at himself, blowing smoke rings into the air.

Taehyung doesn't react to his door opening, or when a huge figure plops onto his bed beside him.

"Wassup Tae?" Jungkook greets, chewing his gum obnoxiously while adorning a goofy smile.

It's been a while since Jungkook's hung out with his best friend, and he's grown concerned from his behavior at the party a couple days ago.

Taehyung gives a simple head nod, closing his eyes as the nicotine makes him lightheaded.

"What's going on?" Jungkook questions, nudging his side.

"None, chilling." the younger looks at him knowingly, "Dude, stop fronting."

"Why you been acting weird lately? What's bothering you?" Taehyung sighs deeply, not wanting to talk about it.

He wants to be left alone. Taehyung's been trying to figure everything out, but it's hard to concentrate when everyone is constantly questioning him.

"Ain't nothing to worry about. I'm cool." Taehyung excuses, "I'm just out the way."

"Nah, something happened. I gotta beat somebody up?" Jungkook asks, already getting riled up.

Taehyung smacks his lips, "Don't even try to play me like that."

Jungkook laughs, "I know, I know. But seriously, tell me what's up. It's obvious something's on your mind and I'm offering an ear to listen."

The older sits up, leaning his back against the wall. He spins the vape pen between his fingers, contemplating whether he wants to tell Jungkook or not.

But, with no other options, he speaks up.

"I have feelings for Destiny." Jungkook's mouth drops, in utter shock, "Huh?"

Taehyung groans, "I like Destiny, man. But she's with Namjoon so it's not like I can steal her away from her boyfriend like I would've done."

Jungkook chuckles, "Bro, you worse than me." silence takes over them as Jungkook processes the information, "What are you gonna do?"

"What is there for me to do? Destiny and Namjoon are practically in love and I have to pretend that it's not killing me inside."

"I want that to be me. Kissing her, going on dates, making her smile." Taehyung explains, taking another hit from his vape.

Jungkook takes the pen from him, "What you need to do is cool it on the nicotine, no matter how stressed you are."

He pulls out a baggy filled with weed, "Let's roll up and figure this shit out."

So that's what they do. They roll two blunts, deciding to smoke one each before continuing the conversation.

"I'm not an expert when it comes to feelings, I'm still trying to work out my own." Jungkook shakes his head, "But, what I do know is that they make you do things you won't usually do."

"You might act impulsively. That's a bad thing since you two aren't together. If you try to kiss her or something then she's going to beat your ass, then Namjoon's going to beat your ass."

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "That's very helpful."

"What? I'm serious. They will beat your ass, probably jump you." Jungkook lets out a laugh.

"All I'm saying is, you have to go about this patiently."

Taehyung furrows his brows, "What you mean?"

"In regards of moving on. You have to, cause even if they were to break up, it'll be weird if you tried it with Destiny."

"So, I have to keep pretending is what you're saying." Taehyung sighs in frustration, taking a long pull from his blunt.

Jungkook shakes his head, "No. What I'm saying is you have to let it be. Thinking about it and wishing you were in Namjoon's place isn't going to make anything better for you. Turn it off."

"That's easier said than done. I already tried fucking a random girl and all I could think about was how I would rather be fucking Destiny."

"Dude. I did not need to know that." Jungkook chuckles, earning a shrug from the other, "What, it's true."

"She's all I can think about. Moving on is fucking impossible. I-I think I love her."

Jungkook nearly chokes on his spit, "Dude. That's baaad." Taehyung meets his eye, "You don't think I know this already?"

"Alright, let me think." Jungkook sparks his blunt, seeking inspiration as he inhales the drug.

After a moment, he speaks, "I think you need to talk to them about it."

Taehyung shakes his head, "Hell no."

"What else can you do then? At the end of the day, we're all friends, and we tell each other how it is. No excuses." Jungkook shrugs.

"Having a sit down and letting them know how you're feeling is the way to go. Once they know, they'll understand why you're so distant and why you've been walking around all sad."

Taehyung moves his hair out of his eyes, "You think they'd understand? You don't think they gon' get mad?"

"I mean, they might. But they can't get mad at something that's beyond your control." Jungkook says, taking another hit from his blunt.

"Let's say I had feelings for Layla. Would you be mad at me?" Taehyung asks the burning question.

Jungkook takes a moment to think about it, like REALLY think about it.

"I'd be more possessive than anything, but I wouldn't be mad. I wouldn't blame you for how you feel, but I wouldn't let you near Layla." he shrugs.

Taehyung nods his head in understanding, but is ultimately still conflicted on what to do.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. I'm sure you'll meet someone who'll take your breath away."

"Sappy ass." Taehyung snickers, "But okay. Thanks for the advice."

Jungkook grins, "Of course. You'll figure it out."

lil taekook moment🤗

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