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Layla and Jungkook walk into school together, saying brief goodbyes as they go to their first periods.

With a new school year comes new students, whacky schedules, and new drama.

For instance, Gio is now in her first period class, and she hates it.

She can feel his eyes drilling holes in the back of her head, no matter how much Destiny reminds her to ignore him.

He's the one who started the bullshit, so she's confused on why he's so upset.

It's literally his fault he got his ass beat.

"If he says anything to you, best believe I'll beat his ass just as bad as Kook did." Destiny promises, sticking a piece of gum into her mouth.

Layla chuckles, "Thanks, but I doubt he will." after their first period ends, the two walk together to their senior seminar class, where the rest of the gang is.

What surprises Layla though, is the random girl sitting in her seat next to Jungkook.

She doesn't recognize the girl, so she assumes she's new to the school. With that in mind, she casually takes a seat behind Jungkook instead.

"Hey babe." she greets Jungkook from behind, and he's quick to turn to her.

Her small smile falters a bit when she sees his facial expression, "Hey, ma."

"What's wrong? You look a little upset." she questions, and Jungkook isn't able to reply before the girl sitting next to him speaks up.

"Jungkook, why aren't you answering any of my questions?" she says with annoyance.

Jungkook ignores the girl and focuses on Layla, "I have some explaining to do."

Layla's brows furrow, "What do you mean? Who's that?"

"I'm Kayla, and you are?" the girl, Kayla, introduces herself. She eyes Layla up in down almost distastefully.

"Um, I'm Layla." Layla says, completely confused at the situation.

Kayla blinks, "And?"

Layla tilts her head, taken aback at the sudden attitude, "And what?"

"And, why are you talking to Jungkook?" Kayla questions, insinuating that Jungkook is hers in some type of way.

Layla can't help but laugh, "I'm talking to Jungkook cause he's my boyfriend. Who the fuck are you to question me?"

Destiny turns around in her seat, "What's going on?" she looks at Layla then her eyes trail to Kayla and she lets out a humorless chuckle, "Oh fuck no. Are you serious right now Kook?"

"I'm trying to be civil but she won't fucking listen to me. I don't want shit to escalate when it doesn't need to." Jungkook says to Destiny, which only makes Layla even more confused.

"Kook, what the fuck is going on? How do you know her?" Layla questions frustratedly, and after a moment goes by, it clicks in her head.

At Destiny's hotel party, the guys mentioned one of Jungkook's past flings.

White girl. Seemingly crazy. Named Kayla.

She's back in town.

"Oh." is all Layla says before leaning back in her chair, pulling out her phone to distract herself.

So, one of Jungkook's previous hoes is acting all possessive over him, and he's not doing much to stop it.

He's gotta be out of his fucking mind.

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