Chapter 2What's a Mate?

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Mate? What's a mate?

" Soooo..." He started.

" can I ask you a question?" I asked.

" Fire away!".

" What's a mate?"

I saw him flinch a little," what do you mean?"

" Well when I saw y... Someone, a my inner wolf yelled mate."

" A mate is like your life partner, your other half. When we are all born half of our souls are given to someone else in the world. Once you find them you instantly know.."

I blush a little," are you my mate?"

" I uh- um...yeah."

When he says that I accidentally attack his lips and he takes full advantage of me. That night..WOW. Best night ever. I wake up the next morning...alone. I crawl out of bed, naked... SOOooo I find a robe. I exit the bedroom and walk down a hallway. Suddenly I come crashing into a hard chest, sending sparks down my spine. It's him.

" Uh hey!" I greet

" please, don't talk to me.."

What the heck is his problem.

" what's wrong, Luc?"

" I can't be mated to a sluty wolf. You were just an easy lay! I, Prince Luc, reject you, Ella Mayer."

Suddenly my heart stops and pain takes over . He just walks away as if nothing just happened. I shuffle my way into my room. The rest of the week I was curled up in bed, sobbing. Great, just great. When I think I am finally free from pain, this happens. The maids apparently were taking care of Ryden. They tried to get me to eat,but I refused to. Finally they sent a doctor.

" miss can you tell me what is wrong."

" mate, reject" was all I could say

" well you need to eat."

" why there's no point in living..."

" your baby could die"

" what? Why would Ryden die?"

" no,no. Your pup in you. Your pregnant."

I Just froze.

" please leave."

He got up and left.

I finally pulled myself out of bed. I grabbed all my clothes and my suit case. I packed the suit case and wrapped Ryden in a blanket. With Ryden in hand I sneak out of the castle. There was no way that bastard was going to see his child. I boarded a random bus and stayed on until the final stop. By then I was three states away. I sighed. My new life starts now.

*5 years later*


I jump out of my bed, instantly running to my 5 year old daughter, Jonah.

" What's wrong Jo?" I asked.

Being a werewolf, I was very protective of my pups.

" Ry Ry hissed and showed his fangs. Then he turned to a big dog."

Ryden was 6 1/2 and had shifted. He liked using his abilities against his sister.

"RYDEN!!!" I yelled

Ryden peaked his head out from a door way. Although he was only 6 he looked like a 10 year old. His curly blond hair was long and his eyes golden than ever. Jonah had blond hair as well. But she had stunning blood red eyes, from her father. She had the same skin tone as her brother. They passed for siblings with the same exact parents.

" yeah mom?"

" here NOW!"

" um... I can't."

I folded my arms," and why is that?" I already knew why.

"" He stuttered

" let me guess..." I tapped my chin pretending to think," You're naked."

His face turned red and he shyly nodded.

" get dressed. Your grounded."


" no if, ands, or buts. Now get your butt clothed."

He sighed and grumbled as he closed his door. I turn to Jonah. My beautiful princess,literally. Technically being first born Jonah was heir to the vampire throne. The heir to the throne can only conceive one child. So Jonah was it. He couldn't get some slut pregnant, even if he tried. I can tell because of the pain and the news he has been trying. When she smiled her dimples lit up my day. She looked 7 although only 5. I was content with life. Neither of the kids asked about their fathers, which I was thankful for.

" go run along JoNo." I tell

" Kay Kay momma!" She turned and skipped away.

I had the best family ever.

*prince luc*

Ever since she left me I couldn't cope with life. I started to sleep around to forget her,but nothing works. She just imprinted herself in my mind. Lately I've been trying to make an heir, but none of my bitches will get pregnant. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been going to therapy, but that doesn't help. I just mope in my bed all day. Finally I decided to seek a real doctor.

" so, your highness tell me the problem." She said with a thick German accent.

" I can't produce an heir."

" when did this start?"

"5 years ago."

" well it is possible you impregnated someone else."

" I had been a virgin 5 years ago."

" who was your first time with?"

I gulp remembering her soft,shocking touch," some girl named... Susan, Sally,Samantha...S.S. Sarah! Her name was Sarah!" I of course knew her name from the start.

" I had a patient named Sarah , she ended up being pregnant. But,alas, one day she and her baby vanished. They've been gone for 5 years."

She...she was pregnant.

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