Chapter 8- Sleeping Beauty, Wake Up!

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I wake up cuddling a naked chest. Inhaling the masculine fragrance, I sigh in delight.

And if you're wondering, no we didn't sleep together...

As much as in wanted to, as much as I NEEDED to, I didn't.

I grew morals, and I wasn't the same horny teenaged whore I was five years ago...

"Love, time to wake up..." Oh myyy, his morning voice is like chocolate with little nuts in it.

"Hmmmm" I can barely form a response.

" ομορφιά (omorfiá/ beauty), wake up."

"MAMA!" And there goes the fantasies I was dreaming up.

"I swear..." I will throw the next person who tries to wake me up out a window...

Suddenly I hear the door shut, next thing I know I feel a nibbling on my ear.

Then the licking came... Okay sleeping beauty, time to wake the fuck up!

Wake the fuck up sleeping beauty!

"Mmmm... That feels nice...."

" So you aren't asleep, good to know how to wake you end in the morning. All I have to do make you horny" Mitri said.

Little dingle-pringus ( a/n an insult I came up with) is gonna get what's coming to him, or rather what's not coming to him.

" fine then, no coochie for a whole year." I open one eye just to see his reaction.

Paling skin, check. Dilating eyes, check. Balled fists, check and check. Visible shaking, definite check. Raging hard on, double check!

Ok, so I was lying about the no sex for a year part... I mean come on who would be able to stay away from this Greek god, let alone not touch him in intimate ways!

"...," he whispered something incoherent, even to my wolf ears.

"Hmm, what was that?" I say with a slight tude, resting my head on one fist.

"MINE!" He growled, no ROARED!

I would be turned on... If I didn't train myself to be a proud single independent black woman... Who don't need no man.

"Excuse me?" I raise my left eyebrow and dare him to say it again...

"You are mine and nothing you can say, do, and even think can stop me from touching you, especially your little γατούλα (gatoúla, kitty)"

Stay strong, girl, stay strong!

"Watch me!" I roll out of the bed and run to the bathroom locking myself in.

"Don't worry, love, you'll be out soon, begging me to take you!" I hear him chuckle through the door.

"Hmph, we'll see!"

*7 hours later*

So it seem I've missed breakfast, lunch, but I still have time to get out before dinner.

Suddenly I hear a faint scratching at the door, then whimpering...

I open the door to see a tiny white pup,too small to be Ryden...

"Jonah?" Oh moon goddess, please tell me i didn't miss my own princess' first shift!

The pup then curls itself into a ball around my feet, oh goddess.

I am a terrible mother!

I pick up the pup and hold her close to my chest, when wolves are born they rely on the presence of their mother. Whether it be her warm body or her heart beat, they need her, and Jonah was a freshly born wolf. When Ryden first shifted he would never shift back to a human and he would never leave my side, like ever. At first it was cute, but then when I had to use the bathroom it was irritating. He would hold on to me with his teeth and wouldn't let go.

"I'm sorry," I look up to see Mitri with his head down," she wouldn't let me go when I wanted to go and get you..."

I release a deep sigh...

"She said,"please don't leave me. The pain, it's too much, I need you," I could just get up and leave her writhing in pain on my living room floor!"

"It's okay, just as long as someone was there to guide her through, everything is fine."

I look down at my princess, sleeping in my arms....

Ok momma we gotta step it up!



Yay an update! Sorry it took me so long to update, we just finish testing (I know , so late in the year)...


Anyways my school get out in late June, so I have a LONG way to go!

But I hope you liked is chapter!






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