Chapter 11- Dog Eat Dog World

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*Sarah's POV*

I slam my fist on the steering wheel of my rental car and stubbornly wipe the tears off my face. I don't know where I'm going, nor do I care. This is the third time, the THIRD FUCKING TIME I've been played by a man, and the last time, I'll tell you. All I wanted was to be cherished by someone. I didn't care if they were my mate or not. I guess I got lucky when I found both of my mates, but I thought wrong. One turned out to just be and egotistical dick, and the other loved his pack over me. When I was a little girl my daddy told me that when wolves find their mates it's the most wonderful feeling in the world, besides the birth of their first pup(s) and they would do anything for each other. I had to agree with both of those statements. Ry and Jo's births were the happiest moments of my sad life, and I would do it all over again if I could have the chance to hold and know and LOVE them, like I can now. They are my lives, and , unlike Mitri, I would give up the world, my own life to be with them. I look in he rear view mirror and peer at them. Ry just stares out the window, and Jonah just looks around frantically. Poor girl doesn't even know what going on, she's still in her wolf form just so you know. When wolves feel threatened or scared they refuse to shift back, since our wolf sides. Are our stronger and more protective sides.

"Jo, calm down. Everything will be just fine." I say in my motherly soothing tone.

She looks at me, then back in he direction of Mitri's house, then back at me, and again back in the direction of his house.... I've been depending on men so much, now my own daughter depends on a fatherly figure.

That's it no more men in my life! I will survive without them! The only man I will ever need is my Ry.

We pull over into a parking lot of an inn. I pull Jo out of the car, with Ry shuffling his sneakers behind me. I approach an elderly lady behind a counter.

"One room with a queen size bed... Please" I assume she speaks English because it's her job.

She looks at my disheveled figure and then at Jo. "No pets allow...sorry."

I growl at her, not like a human growl, a wolf's growl. She then sniffs the air and freezes.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry! Your room will be ready right away!" She scurries to the back room and returns with a metal key. " here you are Luna."

" Don't call me that... And don't tell Mitri I'm here.... And if he asks tell him it's over!" I grunt, and grab the room key. I drag the kids behind me.

"Welcome to the dog eat dog world honey..." I tell her.


I hope you guys liked this chapter, this is only Tyne beginning of her independent era. I haven't received any feedback on the new book, but the offer still stands. If you don't know what in talking about, look at my last update chapter. And please comment your opinion. IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE GUYS! A simple yes or no will do.

Speaking of comments I appreciate the comments some of you guys see writing, whenever I see any comment and any kind it brings a smile to my face! Feel free to converse with each other in the comments. I will be checking regularly, so I will most likely respond, if i don't come find me and smack me in the face...

Well remember toooooo...





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