Chapter 4- R and R time(runaway and rouge)

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*Jonah's POV*

For being 5 years old,i'm very inter-r-,oh what's the word?! Interr-rectawl!YEAH,that's it! I live happy with me momma and me brodder, Ry-Ry.Momma is very scared of the prince for some weson. He MUST be a bad,bad,bad,bad,bad,bad MAN! Momma even said he may be me πατέρας! Yup I speak Greek,really bad Greek,but momma said πατέρας,fadder,is Greek.So it was onwy wight to teach me greek. Wait watch this,Γεια σας το όνομά μου είναι ο Johan. That means,Hello my name is Jonah.My middle name is Greek,Ευμελια,Eumelia.. It mean Melody.Once we took a trip to Greece and everyone knew me as Eumelia. Cool right!

"JONAH!,"momma called me.

I skip to her,"Yes momma"I notice Ry-Ry already next to her, kiss up..That's our momma,not your 24 hour McDonalds for vampires. I only feed from momma twice a day, but Ry-Ry is ALWAYS feeding from her, sometimes in MY feeding time!JERK!

"Pack your bags."she acts like it's something she says evwy day.

"Wait.Wah?"I cock me head to the side,"Why?"

"Well princess,"uh-oh.She only starts her senteces like that if she has something bad to say,"We're moving to Greece!"

Well THAT'S certainly not bad.I jump around in glee, like the little girl I am.

"Wait for her to finish, dimwit!"Ry-Ry interwups my happy time. I don't know what dimwit mean, but I know it's mean word.

"We're not coming back to America," Wait,WHAT?,"We're becoming rouges!"

Oh no rouges! Rouges were BAD!In all CAPS!!!

" B- bu -bbut, why?!!" Momma always says rouges are dirty, nasty, icky wolves who deserve to be put down. NOW she wants to be become one.

" Well because America isn't safe our family anymore, there are bad men here who want us, dead or alive, they don't care. They mainly want you."

" Woah, woah , woah!!! BACK UP!!! Why do they want ME! Why can't they take Ry-Ry away? He stupidy, smelly, "" HEY," Ry-Ry interups me,"and vewy annowing! Why can't they just take him!"

" Like I always say, your my little princess,"'she cooes me while she rubs my perfecty wavy blonde hair.

I shuffle over to my room. The moon light crept in through my window. The moon in this town was pretty. I grab my stuff, and I do mean every thing. I follow momma out to the cab waiting for us.


Oh the airport, how I hate you. You're crowded , loud and vewy stinky. A man sits next to me as mama,Ry-Ry and me wait for the airoplane. The man shifts in his seat and sniffs the air. He then turns and looks at me, and let me say, WOW! Boys are cootie-filled stupidies, but this man was...was...was,well HOT! I know I'm only five years owd,but I know what a gwood-looking man looks like when I see one. He has kinda long hair,well for a guy. It's dark brow,with light brown hairs mixed in here and there. His eyes are brown,awmost black. I folwow his gaze and it's straight at my mama, and his eyes slowey become completely black.

"σύντροφος(pronounced sýntrofos)," he murmurs. He's hot and greek! Oh no...I may be little,but I knows what that means!

" MATE!" Mama says looking back at him, her eyes becoming black too!

Oh no! NO,NO,NO! We do NOT have time for mates. I open my mouth to say something...

" Γεια σας το όνομά μου είναι Sarah," mama sticks her hand out for him to shake. late, Jonah!

"Γεια σου, είμαι Δημήτριος'" he says returning the hand shake. So, Demetrios is his name.

I put my cute little girl act," Γεια σου, Κύριε, είμαι Ευμελια!" I introduce myself,making Ry-Ry feel left out.

Every since fadder hurted mama he never trust any man. Demetrios greets me back. I can tell he will make mama happy! It turns out Demetrios, let cawl him Demetri, it traveling to his home in Greece and is letting us stay wit him.

I like Demetri aweady!



But remember Jonah is only five!!!!!!!!¡!

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