Chapter 7:

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I opened my eyes as the light through my window hit my eyes. It seemed to be a nice bright day and hopefully not cold and snowy out.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. But before, I looked at the time in my phone and surprisingly it was eight in the morning. I guess two hours of sleep was enough today.

So I quickly brushed and had a bath. I got out of my bathroom in my bathrobe and opened the door of my closet and removed a pair of black shorts with a orange t- shirt to go with it. I wore my clothes and tied my hair up in a messy bun and headed to the kitchen downstairs as I was really hungry.

I got into the kitchen and started seeing what was available for me to make something good. I opened the fridge and saw vegetables, rice, meat and some salad dressings and I decided to make a rice bowl like they make in chipotle.

I really really like rice bowls and I am good at making these things too so I removed all the ingredients and kept them on the platform of the kitchen but then I thought that I should go and see if Isle or Andrew are awake so I could make them a rice bowl if they wanted to.

So I went to the guest room and quietly opened the door and saw that Andrew was hugging Isle and sleeping. They looked so cute together that I didn't feel like going away, I just felt like sitting there and watch them sleep but then my stomach started growling loudly and I quickly but quietly shut the door and came out so I didn't disturb them.

I went back to the kitchen and removed a chopping board and a knife and started cutting the vegetables, it felt odd making this alone here because whenever I made a rice bowl Jacob would always be beside me talking to me or cracking stupid jokes that would make me laugh.

"Ouch" I said as I cut my finger when I was daydreaming.

My finger started bleeding and so I ran up to get my self a bandaid. I opened the door of my room and went to the drawer which was beside my closet. I opened it and saw a letter inside so I kept the letter on top and thought I would read it after I found a bandaid.

I found the bandaid and applied it on my finger and then took the letter and went down back to the kitchen. I kept the letter on table in the living room and went to kitchen and started cooking. I cut the chicken into small blocks and seasoned it and pan fried it and while that happened I cut other vegetables.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I went to see who it was. I opened the door and looked around but no one was there but then my eyes landed on a box kept down near my doorway.

I picked the box up and read that was written on it "Sent from Madeline University. All the information you will need to know or you want to know is inside" I read softly to myself. This is a package from the university I am going to.

I shut the door behind me and walked with the box towards my couch and opened the plastic wrap which covered the brown box but before I could open the box I smelled something burn and I remembered that I left the chicken on the gas so I kept the box on the table and ran to the kitchen and switched off the gas. Thankfully the chicken hadn't burn it just slightly turned dark brown.

I made the rice bowl quickly and sat in the living room to take a look at what was in the box. I opened the lid of the box and saw a fat book of approximately seven hundred to eight hundred pages and there were many other small small things like literature books because I had mentioned that I like literature in my bio data for the admission.

I sat there and opened the book which said everything about the university and many pictures too. So I started reading the book and looking at the pictures too. The first picture showed the university from outside, it was huge and beautiful. It had a big football field, a basketball court and a tennis court. It seemed to be a very active place. There was a enormous garden outside for everyone to sit and hang around before and after school and even during the breaks.

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