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March, 1971

Things with Roger haven't felt the same. They seemed the same but I never felt like I did before New Year. We acted the same as before, but I always worried every time he went out. If he was with another girl, while I was at home, worrying.

He had been trying to make extra effort, by taking me out on dates every Saturday and spending more time with me, and I did love it. He even bought me a real promise ring that I never removed. I must admit, I missed just the pen trace, it meant a lot more, although the ring was beautiful it didn't feel like it had much meaning anymore. Just an 'I'm sorry for cheating but here's a shiny ring'.

Sometimes, well, all the time, I would trace the pen around my finger then place the ring on, just to feel somewhat what I felt what seemed like forever ago.

I had a day off work, I was hoping to spend it with Roger, however he was over at the studio. He did promise that he would be back by 2 o'clock and we could do something then.

It was 12 o'clock right now, so I decided to kill time by just playing my guitar and writing another song.

By 2 o'clock, I was casually dressed in a long-sleeved, turtleneck, light-orange-brown jumper, and a brown, buttoned at the front skirt, with a pair of black boots. My curls were tied in a half-up-half-down style, with a slightly, messy fringe.

2 o'clock turned into 3 o'clock turned into 4 o'clock, when I finally got sick of waiting I called the studio number, it rang for a moment too long when finally I heard a voice on the other line.

"Hello?" I heard Brian ask on the other line.

"Hi, Brian, is Roger there?" I asked, curling the telephone wire around my index finger.

"Uh no, he left an hour ago, why? Is he not back yet?" Bri asked, with a concerned tone.

"Uh no, not yet. Do you have any idea where he could be?" I asked, chewing my nails in fear of being right about his whereabouts.

"No, he said he was going straight home to take you somewhere" Brian recalled.

"Okay... Well, I'm sure he'll be back later, maybe he got held up with something" I wasn't sure if it was Brian I was trying to reassure or me.

"Okay, call me when he gets back, alright? Take care, Alice" Brian said, kindly into the phone.

"You too, Brian" I smiled and hung up.

I started twiddling with my thumbs on the couch, thinking of every possible scenario on why he wasn't here yet. Maybe he just forgot and went somewhere? Maybe he got busy? Maybe something happened to him? Or maybe he's with another girl...

The last scenario repeated and repeated through my head loud and clearly, until the sound of the door opening, snapping me out of my thoughts, revealing a sweaty and exhausted Roger, holding five, heavy-looking bags.

I stood up from the couch to help him with some of the bags. "Hi" he greeted, out of breath, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi" I greeted back, taking two bags. "What's this?" I asked.

"Just a few things I got for our date today" he grinned, removing his sunglasses from his eyes.

"So... This is why you weren't back two hours ago?..." I asked, feeling guilty for not trusting him.

"Yeah, of course, where did you think I was?" he asked, looking through the bags, taking the stuff out of the bag and placing them on the kitchen counter.

I sheepishly looked down at the floor, crossing my arms in guilt of what was going on in my mind. When I was silent for a bit long, just standing there, Roger stopped rummaging through the bags, as he most-likely realised what I was thinking, and looked over at me.

He sighed and walked over to me, "Al, it's been months... Why can't you just trust me?" he asked, with sadness lacing through his tone, placing a hand on my cheek, with the other one around my neck.

I looked up and met his eyes. "I do! I do trust you" I tried to defend, but I knew he could see right through me.

"No, you don't" he said, in a low voice.

"Rog..." I said, bringing my hands up to his, stroking them with my thumb, affectionately.

"Alice, I have given you every reason to trust me, but you still don't, what will it take for you to just forget?" he asked, pleadingly.

"I don't know if I will... I've tried, believe me, I have" I tried to assure him.

"Alice, this will never work if you're always worrying I'll be off with some other girl. I don't want any other girl except you" he reassured, pressing his lips passionately against mine.

"I know, I'm sorry" I said as we pulled back.

"Do you want to go on the date another time and just order takeout and watch movies?" he asked, smirking, to which I agreed, as long as they were Elvis Presley Movies, prompting an eye roll from him, as he knew I had began to develop a soft spot for the man.

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