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I was lying in bed with Roger, my head on his chest, while his arm was around my shoulders, twirling the ends of my hair in silence.

Things were getting better every day, it had been a couple of weeks since my confession, and he did everything he could to gain my trust again.

I peeked up at Roger, to see him staring up at the ceiling, looking deep in thought.

"What you thinking about?" I asked, as he continued looking up at the ceiling.

"Not much" he replied, in a low voice. "What's your dream home?" he asked out of no where.

"What?" I asked, chuckling slightly.

"Describe it. Where would you want to live?" he asked again, facing down at me.

I was slightly confused at his question, but thought about it nonetheless, before answering him. "Well, I have two options" I shrugged.

"What are they?" he asked, sounding intrigued.

"Well either a flat or a cottage" I answered, smiling.

"Describe what you'd want your flat to look like then" he softly commanded, grinning at me.

"Why? Would you buy it for me?" I asked, teasingly.

"I'd build it for you, if you asked" he said, in a soft low voice, sounding like he was being genuine.

"Well... I'd want a flat in London, close to big Ben, with a balcony for a great view, and so I could write and play guitar" I described, pausing to think about more detail. "And I'd want a big, black and navy blue kitchen" I said.

"Why? You can't cook" he remarked, chuckling.

"Well, then one of us would need to learn" I grinned at him, leaning up on my elbows, as he looked up at me.

"Describe the cottage" he said.

I wasn't even sure I needed to think about this one. "I'd want it to be in the woods, surrounded by trees and flowers, and for it to be two-story, with a window in the kitchen out-looking a massive garden with a tree swing so I could watch my children play" I looked down, sheepishly.

"Children?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Perhaps. One day" I answered, looking into his eyes, feeling somewhat nervous.

"How many kids would you want?" he asked, brushing his fingers over my shoulder, affectionately.

"I'm not sure. How many would you want?" I asked, turning the question on him, curling my toes, timidly.

"Three or more" he answered, grinning.

"Three?!" I asked, slightly shocked. I wasn't really sure Roger would be one for wanting kids.

"Or more" he added.

I raised my eyebrows as he laughed, slightly at my reaction. "Anything else?" he asked, referring to the cottage.

"Yes. I want a light brown fence wrapped around the entire cottage, a small library to keep all my books, and a dam close by so I can swim" I smiled, as I elaborated.

"So where would you live? What's your dream home?" I asked, curious at what he'll answer with.

"Anywhere that's with you" he answered, prompting a permanent blush to stain my cheeks, as he leaned in and kissed me lightly.

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