Chapter 8

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I grabbed it and slid it on. He gave Jessi a kiss and went to join the others. I got up and went to the door.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Can you tell me what is going on?" Jessi was talking out loud.

I looked at her with my brow raised. Just then a male voice started to talk.

"Yes Miss Jessi. It seems to be that there is a breach of security in the tower." The AI stated.

Shit what does that mean? There was what sounded like gunshots going off.

"Fuck. Jessi, can you walk?" I looked at her and she was nodding. I could tell she was terrified. I helped her get up and I got her to the little bathroom that was in the room. I hide her in the tub.

I was about to leave when she grabbed my arm. "Ash. What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Stay here please." I said as I gently pushed her hand away.

I quickly got back to the room's door and rushed to the elevator. I can't have this happen again, not to them all. As I got to the elevator it was already opening. There was a man I was hoping to never see again.

"Well, well look who I finally found?"

"What the hell do you want and what did you do to them all?" I got quiet all of a sudden. He laughed and came at me. Fuck I quickly ducked and bashed my heel into his left knee. He fell forward but he spun around really quick, and he got a right hook to my face. I stumbled backwards into the elevator. He followed and hit a button. I looked up at him from the floor where I fell. As the doors opened, I shot out of the elevator. He was able to grab my hair as I went past him.

"Fucker!!!" I yelled as he yanked my head back.

"Take a look around Ashlee, do you like seeing people hurt?" He was grinning down at me. I had my eyes closed when he grabbed my hair. I shot my eyelids open, and tears threatened to fall. I saw everyone laying on the floor bloody and somewhere unconscious. Thor, Sam, Loki, Bucky and Natasha were looking at me and him. I was thrown to the wall near them. As I hit, all the air left my lungs. I laid there trying to get air into my lungs.

"Leave her alone." Bucky yelled trying to get up where he was kneeling, his metal arm was lying near the window and there were four guns pointing to his head.

"Aww Ash, you didn't tell them about me yet?"

I slowly got my breathing under control and started to stand. As I did, I glared at him.

He snapped his fingers and one of his goons came behind me with a gun pointed to my back. I just grinned and shook my head at him.

"Must we have all this death every time we have a reunion?" He started to walk to me and the guy behind me pushed the gun into my back. I stumbled forward and he was right in front of me now.

"Do you really need all these men?" I smirked at him.

"I was hoping for the last time my trap worked," I growled at him. He smiled at me, and I didn't even see the knife he had in his hand before he sliced my chest.

"Fuck you dude. I didn't want nor need anything from you. You tricked me in all your horrid ideas." I threw it at him. Holding my chest. He laughed at me as he held the knife out. He brought his hand up to hit me. But I was a little quicker and threw my shoulder into his stomach, spearing him and he went backwards with me on top of him. As he landed, he dropped the knife and we both wrestled around. I would get a few good hits and kicks at him. But he was able to pin me down and started to bash on me.

When he finally was satisfied with his work he stood. As I layed there now moving to block his hits. "Well, I'll let them know who I am."

The ones that were conscious seemed to have tried to get up when he was hitting me. But they didn't get far with all the men around.

"As you all see, Ashlee and I know each other" he stopped talking to point at me. I was now rolled over on my side. He winked at me. "Very well in fact." He kicked the knife away as I was slowly reaching for it hoping he wouldn't see. I growled up at him. I couldn't see very well since his bashing was swelling up my eyes. But I could see everyone's face. I slowly and with some grunting got up from the floor.

"You don't know how to stay down honey do you?" He went to grab me.

I kicked his leg and he fell backwards with a grunt. "I guess I wasn't taught that darling." I growled out at him. Just then there was red and green smoke looking around everyone. Wanda and Loki both stood as it went and got rid of the guns and the bad guys were floating in the air. I grinned up at him. "Sucks being helpless doesn't it Torren?" I leaned on the wall near the elevator. "Is everything up here taken care of? I have to go check something?" I hit the down button.

Wanda nodded.

"We ain't done yet Ashlee" Torren yelled as I got in the doors, and they started to close I just flipped him off.

I quickly ran out of the doors to the bathroom I left Jessi in. The door was still closed, which I took as a good sign. "Jessi," I whispered as I opened the door slowly. I had to grab the door so Jessi and I wouldn't fall.

"Oh my god Ash, I was starting to get worried. OH what happened?" She pulled away and looked at my face.

"I'm fine. I came to get you, so Sam knows you're safe." I smiled at her. She smiled back and we walked to the elevator. As we got to the floor, everyone was on it looked like everyone was awake and the other dudes were locked away somewhere.

"Jessi!!" Sam rushed over to us and was looking over her to make sure she was safe.

"I'm fine, Sam. Ash hid me before he came down." She grabbed his hands so he would stop. He sighed and pulled her to his chest. I was leaning against the wall next to the elevator doors with my eyes closed. Sam and Jessi both looked at me.

"Ash, you need to get looked at before you bleed out." Jessi held my arm and pulled me to a chair. I sat down and leaned back to the back of the couch.

"I'll be fine sis. Just need to rest a little.'' I smile at her, not opening my eyes.

Jessi pulled on the shirt I had on, that was now ripped on the front from Torrens' knife.

"You need to get that, and your face checked. I will drag you there myself if you don't." I knew by the sound of her voice she was not kidding.

"How are you doing Ashlee?" Bucky had joined us near the couch.

I gave him a thumbs up.

Jessi smacked my hand. "No, you are not Ash. She needs to be seen Bucky."

"I will later Jessi, and where is Torren?" I asked Bucky, finally opening my eyes.

"Him and the others are locked away down in the basement. Tony and Steve want to interrogate them." He said finally, sitting down next to me. He reached out and moved hair from my face. " What did he mean that you and him know each other?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again. "He is part of the reason for the accident."

"What do you mean?" Jessi asked, now sitting on the table across the couch with Sam.

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