Chapter 1

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Note: This is a genderbend (bxg) story. Tzuyu and Dahyun are a male in this story. You have been warned about this so do not read if you do not support genderbend stories.


Mina's POV

I have finally reached the airport in South Korea. I walked out of the airport with my luggage and raised my hand to hail a cab. A taxi car drove to me and stopped next to me. The driver got off the car and walked towards me while i went to the back of the car to put my luggage at the back of it. The driver helped me to carry the luggage and load it into the back of his car then kindly gestured me to the back passenger door. I smiled and got into the backseat of the car as the driver hopped onto the driver seat.

I unlocked my phone and the screen automatically showed the location of my new apartment. I tried to read it out since the words are in Korean and luckily, the driver understood me and nodded his head as a way of saying that he understood what i was saying. I smiled and thanked him in Korean while he started driving once he has the GPS ready on his phone.

It took a few hours to reach from the airport to the building of my new apartment. I thanked the driver in Korean once again and paid him with the exact amount. Afterwards, the both of us got off the car and he helped me to get my luggage out and placed it on the floor for me. He said a phrase in Korean which i don't understand and could only smile and bow my head slightly at him as he got into his car and started driving off.

I held onto the handler of my luggage and entered the building after taking a quick look of the building. I went to the elevator and took it to the designated floor then got off the elevator. I looked for my apartment number and it took me a minute to find it. I used the key card to unlock my new apartment and an instruction has shown up on the card placeholder, telling me to set a pin number for high security. I simply set the pin number as my birthday and the door unlocked with a beeping sound.

I then heard the door next to mine opened and a pale man stood in front of his apartment, probably came out due to the beeping sound from my door. I looked at him, hoping that he's a nice person.

"Oh? Not from here?" He tried to speak English and i nodded my head with a small smile, relieved that my neighbor is a kind person.

"Do you know Japanese?" He asked in English and i nodded my head since i have lived in Japan before. He immediately smiled widely at me and used his palm to tell me to wait then went back in, probably getting something or someone out.

A few seconds later, a woman came out of the apartment and she slightly bowed her head at me while i did the same.

"Are you the new person that's going to be living next to us?" The woman asked me in Japanese.

"Yes, that's right." I answered back in the same language and she then looked back at the man, probably her husband, and translated my words to Korean for him to understand. He then smiled happily and looked at me, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I accepted and shook hands with him and did the same with the woman.

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" The man said slowly as if trying to make sure that he was saying it in the right way and the woman nodded her head at him with a huge smile on her face.

"Ah, my name is Hirai Momo. This is my husband, Kim Dahyun." The woman introduced herself and her husband.

"I'm Myoui Mina. Just to make sure that i address you with respect, are you two older or younger than me?" I introduced myself and asked them though the woman looks older than me and the man looks a bit younger than me.

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