Chapter 9

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Mina's POV

It was almost 6.30pm when the doorbell rang. Dahyun immediately stood up and went to get the door while i turned my head to the door with curiosity, wondering if she has arrived. A woman walked into the apartment and she has pink hair. She was wearing a black long sleeve sweater with a brown pattern on the wrist part and the bottom part and a light brown skirt.

Momo-unnie and i immediately stood up from the couch and walked towards her. I stood next to the older girl and slightly bowed my head to the pink-haired girl while she did the same, smiling brightly at me. She reminds me of Dahyun, so bright and cheerful.

"Mina, this is my best friend, Sana. And Sana, this is our good friend and neighbor, Mina." Momo-unnie introduced us to each other.

"Nice to meet you~!" Sana-unnie said as she came forward and hugged me while i was dumbfounded. It took me a few seconds to process and finally hugged her back.

"Nice to meet you too!" I said with a wide smile after breaking the hug and she gave another bright smile.

"By the way, Sana-ah, you..." Momo-unnie started and all of us looked at her, waiting for her to continue her sentence.

"You came when it's almost time for dinner!" She finished her sentence and silence took over the entire apartment. Dahyun and Sana-unnie soon burst out laughing while i stood there, not knowing what's going on.

"Then shall we have dinner? I wanted to come early but i just wanted to make sure that my wife reach her workplace safely." Sana-unnie said and i thought the three of them would set a time for the older girl to reach the apartment but looks like i was wrong to think that.

"Should we have our dinner here or should we go out and eat?" Momo-unnie asked, glancing between the three of us.

"Or should we order takeout?" Dahyun continued, adding one more option to the question.

"Let's order takeout so we can talk about lots of things as we eat!" Sana-unnie said energetically and all of us discussed on which restaurant to order from and what should we get from the chosen restaurant. Sana-unnie recommended us various food, which she has tried before, from the chosen restaurant.

"My treat!" Sana-unnie said and immediately paid for the food, not giving us time to respond nor react to her generous offer.

"Yah!" Momo-unnie shouted at her after she finally processed what Sana-unnie just did and Sana-unnie simply laughed. Dahyun and i laughed along with her, finding the oldest girl's reaction time funny.

All of us settled in the living room and made ourselves at home. I sat down on the couch, at the very end of it so i can rest my arm on the armrest. Momo-unnie sat beside me and Sana-unnie next to her. As for Dahyun, he's sitting down on the floormat, just in front of his wife, and resting his head on his wife's lap with his eyes closed. Momo-unnie and Sana-unnie talked a lot while i simply listened to their conversation though the three of them would include me in the conversation every now and then. Dahyun only join in if he knows something about the topic the girls were talking about.

~Ding Dong~

The doorbell rang and all of us immediately got up and went to the door. Dahyun was the first one so he opened the door and took the food from the delivery person while thanking them. Momo-unnie closed the door after the delivery person walked away from the apartment and Dahyun walked into the dining room, putting the plastic bags down onto the dining table.

All of us unpacked the plastic bags and put the containers of food neatly on the table. Momo-unnie distributed the bowls to each of us and i carefully put the rice into the bowl as the rice was given to us in a plastic bag with the top part twisted very tightly.

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