Chapter 3

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Mina's POV

We walked to the nearby restaurant and i was about to pay for my takeout order when Tzuyu stepped in abruptly, telling the cashier on he wants, and ended up paying for my order too. I looked at him with a questioning face, using my expression to ask him why he did that and why he would order when he had his dinner back at Momo-unnie's apartment.

"Don't look at me like that. I did eat my dinner at their apartment just now but i just wanted to keep you accompany." He said and once again, i was thankful and touched. He's going out of his way for me again. It makes me feel so many things that are hard to explain and describe but i don't mean it in a bad way.

"You don't need to do that but thank you for doing that." I said with an appreciative smile.

"I'm doing this because i want to and it's fun hanging out with you." He said with a smile and i chuckled, feeling timid by his sentence, and he lightly laughed at my reaction.

After getting our food, we walked back to the apartment building though it was a silent walk back to the building. I opened the door for him and he entered my apartment while thanking me softly and i entered after him. He placed our food onto the dining table and i poked his arm, causing him to turn around and face me.

"Do you mind if you eat first while i take a shower?" I asked, feeling embarrassed since i always eat my dinner after taking a shower as it feels more refreshing to me.

"I don't mind." He answered with a tiny smile and i thanked him and went to my bedroom to take a shower. Having a male guest in my apartment while i shower kind of puts me on edge for some reason. It felt like something might happen during my shower and i can't shake the feeling off so i quickly showered and dressed into my fresh clothes then stepped out of my bedroom to see no one sitting by the dining table.

I walked out of the hallway and saw Tzuyu lying down on the couch in the living room. He sure is tall since he takes up the entire couch. I stood next to him and poked his cheek. I became amazed at how soft his cheek feels and squished his cheek only to make him open his eyes slowly. I quickly retracted my hand and looked at him. He immediately got up after seeing me.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to fall asleep!" He apologized and i giggled.

"It's fine. You seemed tired. Is it because of work?" I asked as i went to sit down by the dining table while he did the same, sitting across me.

"Yeah, a lot of customers came to buy breads." He said, nodding his head, and started eating his food. The both of us talked more about our respective occupation while having our dinner and he even told me the address of his workplace. We kept telling each other about ourselves after feeling like we have talked about our occupation too much.

After eating our dinner, he decided to stay for a bit longer and made himself comfortable on the couch in the living room while i sat down next to him, making sure to leave some space between us. The both of us relaxed in silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

"If you feel comfortable with me, do you want to hang out together?" He asked, staring blankly into the space.

"Yeah, i would love to hang out with you." I answered with a small smile, turning my head to look at him. He turned to me and gave me a happy smile. We then talked about our schedule to check which day we would be free from work. Sadly, we don't have the same off-day so that means we can only hang out once we are off from work. Fortunately, his shift ends almost at the same time as my last stream of the day and it happens every day so we can still find the time to hang out with one another after our work.

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