Chapter 7

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Mina's POV

We arrived at the location within an hour but it felt like a really long trip from our apartment building. The place turned out to be a bar, looking from the neon lights hanging above the door and it gave off a typical bar vibes. I took a deep breath and Momo-unnie patted my shoulder after noticing my nervousness.

We then entered the bar together and there were so many people drinking and dancing with one another. Some people were about to come and talk to us when Dahyun instantly found Tzuyu, who were sitting with a group of young women and young men. He immediately held onto both me and Momo-unnie on the wrist and pulled us along with him. Those people, that were about to talk to us, turned away and walked away in the opposite direction of us.

"Hello, we are friends of Tzuyu." Dahyun spoke as he let go of our wrist. The people at the table immediately looked up at us and a young woman stood up from the table, looking happy and relieved to see us. She looks like she is around the same age as Momo-unnie.

We had a small chat about Tzuyu and two young men carried Tzuyu as the three of us thanked everyone at the table for taking care of the drunk man. The young men followed us out of the bar and towards where Dahyun's car at. They gently put Tzuyu inside the car, carefully laying his head on the car window. We thanked them for helping us and they simply smiled at us with a welcome expression on their face before going back inside the bar.

We then got into the car with the couple sitting in front and me sitting at the back, on the other end of the seat.

"What should we do? Drive him home or let him stay at our place?" Dahyun asked after switching on the car engine and buckled his seatbelt. Momo-unnie buckled her seatbelt too and looked at her husband.

"It's best to drive him home. I'm sure he will feel guilty if he wakes up at our place." The older girl said and Dahyun simply nodded his head, seeming to agree with his wife's statement. He then started driving towards Tzuyu's house. I glanced at him from time to time during the car ride, making sure that he is comfortable. He's still asleep.

"Mina-ah, try poking him." Momo-unnie said, wanting to tease the tall man. I chuckled softly and poked Tzuyu on the arm. He showed no response and his body also didn't react to the arm poke.

"He must have drank a lot to the point he is in a deep sleep." Dahyun said with a low chuckle after looking at the rear mirror for a few seconds. We stayed quiet after that, not wanting to wake the tall man up.

After some time, we finally reached Tzuyu's house. Instead of parking the car, Dahyun stopped at the sideroad and got off the car. I held Tzuyu's head as Dahyun walked to where Tzuyu was sitting at and opened the door. Dahyun then told me to put Tzuyu on his back and i nodded my head as he turned around, bending down to a certain level.

With Momo-unnie's help, we managed to get Tzuyu on his back as he slowly stood back up with the sleeping man on his back. Since Dahyun looks a bit shaky and unstable, Momo-unnie placed her palm on Tzuyu's back and told me to stay in the car as they bring Tzuyu to his house. I simply nodded and closed the door while watching them walk towards his house, feeling a bit worried for both Dahyun and Tzuyu.

I stared at the closed door for a few minutes after they have entered his house. Are they okay? Did anything happen? Looks like i didn't need to worry as the couple walked out of the house with Dahyun looking a bit tired and Momo-unnie patting his shoulder with a wide smile on her face. They soon got into the car and Dahyun let out a sigh of contentment the moment he relaxed onto the driver seat and Momo-unnie laughed at her husband's behavior.

"Tzuyu sure is strong." Dahyun breathed out and i became curious on what he meant.

"What happened?" I asked curiously and Momo-unnie turned her head towards me.

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