Final Chapter

266 13 2

Mina's POV

"Is there something wrong, Mina-noona?" Tzuyu asked with concern, looking worried, as he turned his body to face me completely. He then stood closer to me while i was still holding onto his wrist, feeling like he will leave me if i let go of his hand even though i know that he won't leave me just like that.

"No-nothing." I shook my head and tilted my head down, looking at the floor. Maybe i should let him go or else he won't be able to wake up for his shift.

"Mina-noona, look at me." He said in a gentle tone but i kept my head down, not looking at him. I know i should let him go home but...

"Mina-noona." He gently lifted my head with his fingers on my chin and his face was a bit close to mine. I hid my lips as a way to control my emotions. Mou...My heart, you're beating too loud, Tzuyu might be able to hear you.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked and it felt like he knew what i wanted. Was my face easy to read or was it written all over my face?

I was too shy to answer his second question so i could only nod my head timidly, feeling embarrassed to let him know that i want him to stay. Ah, but his shift...!

"What about your shift?" I asked softly and averted my eyes, still feeling embarrassed and shy.

"My shift starts in the late afternoon so i don't need to wake up so early tomorrow." He immediately answered my question with a soft smile and that's when i decided to let go of his wrist. He retracted his hand away from my chin and we just stood there, still and unmoving.

"Do-do you want any wa-water?" I stuttered, fidgeting my fingers in front of me, and looked at him.

"A-ah, yes, thank you." He said and i went to the kitchen, taking a mug and pouring plain water into the mug. I then turned around to see him standing at the same spot. At this moment, i can't help but to chuckle at how cute and timid he is. He must have heard my chuckle because he turned his head towards me and i walked towards him, handing him the mug of plain water.

"You can sit down in the living room, you know." I told him and chuckled again.

"Ah, right." He responded awkwardly and let out an awkward giggle. He then went to sit down on the couch in the living room and i sat down next to him but with an average gap between us, feeling like he might not like it if i sit too close to him even though i wish i could just sit right next to him with not much gap in between.

He drank a sip of the plain water and rubbed his palm on the side of the mug while i tightly held onto my upper thighs, feeling the nervousness kick in. He's actually staying for a bit longer. I wasn't expecting that he would stay with me on his own will. It's starting to kick in to me that he's actually here, actually staying with me for a bit longer.

"So what happened back there?" He asked, breaking the silence, and kept his eyes on the mug, still rubbing his palm on the mug.

"I-i..."   'just want you to stay here with me.' How can i just say that?! I can never say that to him, never! It's too embarrassing to tell him, let alone in person! I so badly just want to cover my face with my palms but that will definitely make him worried about me.

"If it's hard to say it, you can always tell me once you're ready. I don't want to force you into saying it." He said once he noticed that i couldn't answer his question and turned his head to look at me. His eyes seemed to look at me in a gentle way and his smile was so sweet that his dimple was showing a little on the left side of his cheek. I can't help but to give a small smile of understanding towards him, feeling touched that he's being patient and understanding of me.

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