Chapter 5

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Mina's POV

Later at night, i stepped out of my apartment and went to my neighbor's apartment. I rang the doorbell and Dahyun opened the door with a wide smile. He stepped aside and i entered the apartment while thanking him for inviting me over for dinner.

We had dinner together and thanks to the couple, i was able to stop thinking about Tzuyu and our friendship. It felt like they knew about what happened between us because the couple didn't mention anything about Tzuyu like they usually do whenever i come over for dinner.

After the dinner, i felt better. The couple and i continued talking in the living room until we realized that it was getting late and that we should get some rest. I thanked them for inviting me over for dinner while they smiled happily at me, saying that they love my presence.

After exchanging goodbye with the married couple, i went back to my own apartment and decided to get ready to sleep. I looked at my phone and checked for any messages and missed calls but there's none so i placed my phone back down on the bedside table and went to sleep.

It took me some time to fall asleep as my mind kept drifting to a certain tall man.  We have stopped talking to each other ever since that day and i couldn't bring myself to text him. I don't know if we are still counted as friends but i hope we will remain as friends. I don't want to lose him, after all.

I let out a deep sigh and decided to think of something else, not wanting to keep thinking about the tall man. Eventually, i managed to fall asleep.

----TIME SKIP----

It's been weeks since the day i stopped seeing and texting Tzuyu. I could sense that we are drifting apart and it's slowly breaking the friendship. I don't know what to do anymore. Should i text him first or wait for him to text me first? I don't know.

I lied down on the couch in the living room with my arm covering my eyes. I stayed like that until i heard knocks on the door. I got up and walked to the door and slowly opened the door to see who it was.

"Hey." Dahyun stood in front of the door with a wide smile. I opened the door wider and greeted him back with a smile.

"I was wondering if you're free tomorrow night because it's Momo-noona's birthday." He told me with a smile and his eyes filled with love for his wife.

"I'm free tomorrow. Are you holding her birthday party at your place tomorrow?" I said and asked him.

"Yup! We are going to drink all night so we rather not drink outside to be safe." He answered while nodding his head, still smiling widely. We continued talking about his wife's birthday party until Momo-unnie soon came out of the apartment, probably searching for her husband. She saw us and grabbed Dahyun's wrist. She smiled and used her other hand to wave at me then dragged Dahyun back into their apartment, closing the door shut. It felt like Dahyun was going to be scolded by his own wife. I laughed at the thought of him getting scolded by Momo-unnie and went back inside my apartment.

The next day came in a blink of an eye and by the time i have finished streaming for the day, it was already time to head to the couple's apartment. I quickly took a shower and wore casual clothes then stepped out of my apartment. I rang the doorbell and the door opened, revealing Dahyun in his home clothes. He stepped aside and i entered the apartment while looking around, searching for Momo-unnie.

"She's taking a short nap in our bedroom right now." He told me after noticing me and i nodded my head. He went to the kitchen and it seems like he's preparing various dishes, seeing how messy the kitchen is.

"Do you need any help?" I asked and he looked at the messy kitchen with an awkward chuckle.

"That would be nice..." He said and i chuckled softly and helped him out in the kitchen. Since he isn't good at cooking, he decided to prepare the ingredients while i cook and fry the food. After hours of staying in kitchen, we are finally done with the dishes. We carried the plates to the dining room and gently put them down onto the dining table.

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