Chapter 4

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Mina's POV

We went for a drive as we didn't want to walk around the neighborhood area. It feels really nice to be in his car, it's so relaxing. I looked out of the window, enjoying the scenery of the city and humming to the music playing on the radio.

We didn't talk much and simply just enjoyed the car ride. When it started to get dark, that's when Tzuyu started driving back to my apartment. Once we reached, i hopped off and thanked him for the car ride. He smiled at me and was happy that i enjoyed my time with him even though all we did was go for a drive. I waved my hand at him after closing the door and he waved back for a few seconds then started to drive while i stood there, watching his car driving away from me and in a blink of an eye, his car was no longer in my sight. I then took the elevator and entered my apartment.

I sighed in contentment the moment i lied down on my bed after changing into my pajamas. It really felt so good hanging out with him. I've never felt this comfortable around someone other than my family and what's more, with a man. It's my first time not feeling uneasy around a man other than my dad. I unknowingly smiled to myself, feeling happy with the hangout with Tzuyu. I can feel the happiness overflowing inside me and to let out the overflowing happiness, i hid my face with my palms and rolled my body on the bed.

Not only is he handsome but also soft-hearted and caring and a gentleman. How is he still single after all this time? He should have dated someone, right. I still can't believe that he's not dating anyone right now. From what he told me, he's single by choice because he has no time for romance and rather focus on his job for the time being. I can see where he was coming from but still, i wonder if he will develop any feelings for anyone. It makes me curious just from thinking about that. He may say that he doesn't have anyone in his mind right now but we never know what happen in life.

But if he do have a crush on someone, would he tell me and would we still be able to hang out with one another like what we are doing now?

I unknowingly let out a sigh and immediately turned onto my side, suddenly feeling worried about what's to come and about me and Tzuyu in the future. I groaned softly, shaking my head to get the thoughts away, and closed my eyes. It took me some time to finally get rid of the thoughts and i fell asleep after that.

A few weeks passed and Tzuyu and i still managed to find time to hang out together. We still stick to hanging out twice per week. It's really, really, really fun and nice to hang out with him. I don't know why and how but he makes me feel so comfortable. Even when we are not doing anything and just stay silent, i still feel comfortable around him and the silence aren't even suffocating at all.

I just finished streaming for the night and was just lying down on my bed until i heard loud knocks on my door. Who could it be at this hour? There's no way it would be Tzuyu since we didn't agree to meet up at night. And speaking of meeting up at night, whenever we agreed to hang out at night, he would always prevent me from stepping out of my apartment. I knew that he was doing it for my safety and his gesture and action always make me feel touched.

I slightly opened the door to see who was standing by the door. I was stunned to see Tzuyu standing in front of my apartment and i immediately sensed that he was not his usual self. His face was flustered and extremely red as if he has been drinking and i was right when i saw what was in his hand. He was holding onto a small wine bottle.

"Noona..." He sounded drunk. I wonder how he ended up drinking a lot and ended up coming here. I opened the door and let him enter my apartment. He stepped inside my apartment and i was about to ask him when he called for Dahyun.

Oh, so he must have mistaken my apartment for the couple's apartment. He must have wanted to go to their apartment and not mine. At that moment, i felt kind of disappointed and sad after knowing that he didn't mean to come to my apartment. I shook my head and focus on what i should do right now. I can't possibly ask the couple for help since they might be asleep right now. I watched Tzuyu enter my bedroom and i immediately followed after him, making sure he won't puke or anything.

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