Chapter 8

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Mina's POV

After my dinner, i washed and dried the dishes. I walked to my bedroom and took a shower. Showering after dinner feels so refreshing and great!

I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair with my towel and sat down on the edge of my bed, still drying my hair with my towel. My hands eventually grew tired so i let my towel hang around my shoulders and let my hair dry on its own. I reached my arm towards the bedside table and barely managed to grab my phone without dropping it and checked for any messages from the new group chat. As i expected, there were many messages in the group chat and i went to read the messages quietly.

The couple was just stating how much fun they had at Tzuyu's house and that they will visit him again when it's possible. Now that i think about it, i wonder how Tzuyu's house looks like. I catch a glimpse of his house in the background of the pictures the couple sent but it seemed like the both of them were mostly at one area of the house since the background looked almost the same for every picture.

I wonder if it's okay for me to go to his house. If we aren't awkward with each other, would i be able to go to his house? If we are still close like we used to, will he let me come to his house? If only we aren't awkward then i could have went to his house.

I let out a sigh of sadness while staring blankly at my phone, at the messages in the group chat. Not long after, a private message from Momo-unnie popped up at the top of my screen and i went to read her message. She was asking me if i'm alright. It seems like she's worried about me so i replied back to her and we texted each other for a while.

I ended up chatting with the older girl for an hour or so and we stopped chatting when she has to go to sleep. We exchanged goodnight messages with each other and i placed my phone on my bedside table then went to the bathroom, hanging my towel and brushing my teeth. I then stepped out of the bathroom and switched off the room light and the lamp on my bedside table. I lied down on my bed and pulled the blanket over my body then closed my eyes, eventually going to sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly when i felt the sunlight shining through the transparent curtains and slowly sat up from my bed while rubbing my eyes. I checked the time and realized that it's almost afternoon. I got off from my bed and stretched my entire body then went to the bathroom to do my daily routine. I decided to go grocery shopping at the nearby supermarket. I am so glad that the couple gave me a tour around the neighborhood area or else i won't know where to buy the groceries from and might end up getting lost in this city.

"Mina-noona! Where are you going?" Dahyun called out cheerfully and asked when i stepped out of my apartment, locking the door. I turned my head to see Dahyun outside his apartment, holding onto the door handle, and i walked towards him.

"I'm going grocery shopping today." I told him and he seemed surprised as his eyes went wide. At that moment, Momo-unnie stepped out of the apartment and i looked at her then back at the younger man.

"What a nice timing! We are also going grocery shopping today!" He said with a bright smile and Momo-unnie nodded her head with a hum.

"Shall we go together then?" I asked with a smile and they nodded their head with a delightful smile. We then headed to the supermarket together by walking there since it's literally near to the apartment building. The three of us talked about various topics, like what happened at Tzuyu's house when they went to visit him yesterday and what the couple has decided for their future plans.

I really envy them, they seem so happy whenever they talk about their future plans. It really felt like they are deeply in love with each other and really committed to each other. I can't help but to admire and hope for this kind of relationship.

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