Chapter 11

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Mina's POV

"Dinner is ready!" Tzuyu shouted and the three of us immediately got up from the couch. I went to the kitchen instead of the dining room and volunteered to help to put the plates onto the dining table even though Tzuyu said that i don't need to help. He gave in and let me help in the end since i really want to help him. He thanked me in a soft voice after the plates were neatly placed on the dining table. The awkwardness wasn't strong like the last time we met each other. It felt like the awkwardness was slowly going off and i was really happy that we are slowly becoming less awkward with each other. We might be able to go back to how we used to be.

I smiled at him with a welcome expression and the both of us sat down across the couple then started digging in. I hummed with satisfaction and delight the moment i bit onto the fried chicken. It's just like what Momo-unnie said! It's really delicious!

"Oh~? She's happy, Tzuyu. She likes your cooking." Dahyun said, looking at Tzuyu with a mischievous face and smirking at him. Momo-unnie followed the flow and nodded her head in agreement, glancing at me and Tzuyu.

"St-stop..." He said in a whisper, looking embarrassed, and the couple chuckled, having fun teasing the maknae. The time went by fast with everyone teasing the maknae and he became so embarrassed and shy to the point he stood up and washed the dishes in the kitchen, getting away from our teasing friends.

After cleaning up and stuff, the couple and i decided to stay for a bit longer, relaxing and sitting on the couch in the living room. Tzuyu sat down on the couch that's next to the sliding glass door while the three of us sat on the one in the middle of the living room.

"So Tzuyu-ah, what time does your shift end tomorrow?" Momo-unnie asked and we stared at him as he looked at the older girl.

"9pm." He simply answered and he glanced towards me. Our eyes met each other for a few seconds before the both of us turned away at the same time and i turned my head towards the couple. Dahyun, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, noticed our short eye-contact moment and slightly smirked, looking like he has an idea in mind which might be a bad idea.

"Since your shift end at 9pm, do you want to come over our house?" Dahyun asked with a hopeful expression, leaning his upper body forward, resting his elbows on his lap and clasping his hands together. Tzuyu then hummed in a thinking tone.

"Yeah, it's been so long since you came." The Japanese girl said, oblivious to what her husband was trying to do. I looked at Tzuyu and he seemed to be thinking about it seriously and deeply.

"Mina-noona will be there too!" The younger man added on as if pressuring the tall man into saying yes. It felt like Dahyun really wants him to come over and he isn't letting this opportunity slip by so easily.

"Huh? Wait, you will be there too? Really?" Momo-unnie became confused and turned her head to me while Dahyun was smiling at me widely and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Ye-yeah. I will be there." I said and Dahyun nodded his head with a satisfied smile and gave me a thumbs up.

"Yah, you are just making her go." Tzuyu said after he saw Dahyun's facial expression and Momo-unnie immediately turned her head to her husband, asking him if what the maknae just said was true. He simply shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly with his lips puckered, acting like he did nothing.

"It's okay. I don't mind going anyways." I quickly said, saving the younger man from his wife, who was probably giving a dead glare at him.

"I will call you tomorrow if i'm coming." Tzuyu said, looking at the older girl.

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