Chapter 12

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Mina's POV

In the midst of our dinner, Momo-unnie's phone screen lit up, showing a caller screen. I peeked at the caller screen before she placed her phone next to her, answering the call. It was Tzuyu. Is he coming? Why am i hoping for him to come? Is this another sign of love?

After a few minutes, the older girl ended the call with the maknae and looked at me while i was expecting that he couldn't come, looking at how sad Momo-unnie looked.

"He's coming!" She then said with excitement, smiling widely and raising her hands high in the air, while Dahyun cheered as if he won a lottery and i sighed in relief. I placed my palm over my heart while smiling to myself, feeling kind of happy that he's coming. I guess this is how being in love with someone feels like.

I was done eating first and decided to heat up Tzuyu's dinner while listening to the couple's conversation and waiting for him to arrive. Once the food has heat up, i placed his plate on the dining table, next to Dahyun, and sat back down next to the older girl.

"Oh~? Can't wait for him to come~?" Dahyun asked with a teasing smile and wiggled his eyebrows.

"N-no! It's not like that!" I said and i know very well myself that i was denying that statement but i also know that Dahyun will continue teasing me to no end.

"Hmm~ Really~?" He asked, still looking at me with that teasing smile, and i firmly nodded my head.

"You should stop teasing her, Hyun. You might end up getting punched by Tzuyu." Momo-unnie said and that last sentence was a joke for sure but it seemed like the younger man took it seriously and became scared, his eyes and mouth opening wide. The both of us looked at how scared he looked and Momo-unnie immediately told him that it was joke, feeling guilty for making that joke.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and Dahyun's reflex was so fast because he got up before us and before we even reach the door, he has already opened the door for Tzuyu, who was holding a plastic bag of breads, most likely from his workplace since he works at a bakery. We welcomed him inside my apartment and told him that we prepared his dinner. All of us settled down in the dining room and since i have finished eating, Tzuyu offered me some breads which i gladly took. I only ate like two breads, saving the other breads for the others.

"Oh oh! Did you know Mina-noona have this interesting game on her PC?" Dahyun asked with high excitement as he tapped Tzuyu's shoulder multiple times, getting his attention.

"Which game are you talking about, hyung?" Tzuyu asked, turning his head to look at the married man before turning back to his plate to eat a spoon of rice. Dahyun then said the name of the game, which he and his wife were playing right before the dinner preparation.

"Ahh, that game." It looked like the youngest man knows about the game based on his reaction and Dahyun furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait... You know the game?!" He asked, practically almost shouting at the poor maknae, who was sitting right next to him. Momo-unnie and i can't help but to chuckle at Dahyun's expression and tone.

"She streams the game so of course i know the game." He said as if it was an obvious fact to know.

"Ah... I see..." It took Dahyun a few seconds to remember my occupation and he scratched his nape with an awkward giggle, causing the three of us to laugh.

"Then do you play the game, Tzuyu-ah?" Momo-unnie asked and Tzuyu slowly nodded his head and said,

"I just started playing though." Dahyun nodded his head, his expression looking like he was processing the maknae's words and coming up with something to say.

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