Strip me 12

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 Josie POV

   I watched as the 2 men battled .  The room I was in looked like a battlefield as well well but I was excited because Roarden seemed to be winning the fight. As I watched the fight something seemed a bit off Roarden seem to be getting tired getting tired while Cormick seemed to be enjoying himself as though it were a game he had a smile showing bright gleaming teeth.. There was a bright glow starting to form around car mix body then then the light took a shape of his own and shot forward onto roarden  body. he collapsed to the ground and began convulsing it was at that moment that I realized that light was  Electricity. My heart sank as Cormick drew a blade a blade and and stepped over Roarden He pulled his head up and rest of the blade on roardens neck..

 Please don't do this I'll go with you I said

 You'll go with me either way Cormick stated

II won't make a saying I'll do whatever you want I pleaded with him

 Carmick let out a loud exhale and dropped roardens head with a thud.. I let out a breath that I did not know I was holding in  I watched as Cormick grabbed my bag gently placing my things in them He grabbed my wrist just as gently and tugged me back out the window that he window that he had come in I was surprised to see a giant ship on the waters. I had not heard it come up it come up . there was a full crew and people were making themselves busy cleaning and setting up  here and there for some type of an event. I would not have noticed that the boat had begun to move If I had not seen it for myself it was as though the boat was gladding on ice .  Cormick silently dragged me into a room that looked like an office  there was a large golden cage that same beautiful to me until he flung me in it he poured the contents of my bag on a desk He shifted through the contents until he was satisfied then stood and walked over to the cage I shrank back to the corner as far as I could he said the  One word I feared the most strip.

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