7 Teach Me

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Josie POV 

in need to pretend to listen to this man so that he will let me go. I put on my most interested face. he tells me how we are descendants of Atlantis and how when the city was destroyed by humans our people evacuated. some of us had human spouses so they went to live among the humans and most of them ended up creating clans  in the human areas other stayed with our own kind and some went to other realms. Mermen and Sirens clans were at war for more than two hundred years on account Mermen wanted to keep the species from dying out. If a siren mates with a human or merman the child will still be born as a siren (girl merfolk) or a merman (boy merfolk). Sadly its rare for a child from a Merman and human mating to result in more than a human child , but its guaranteed if  the merman mates with a siren. because of this lots of sirens were sold to mermen or kidnapped or married off by the head of the clan. The sirens had no choice until rebel sirens banded together and went to war with the men. while the mermen had powers of great strength , illusion , and speed , Sirens can control the mind, have visions , they are highly intelligent. The were going to expose the mermen and cause a second Atlantis when a truce was made. Sirens were free to roam if there clan allowed it and the clan less siren were fair game. Sounds like a crappy deal for the sirens i said with a scoff.  not necessarily  seeing how far some siren are willing to go for there free will caused some of the clan leaders to change the traditions, we even have some siren clan leaders he says as though i should be proud. oh goodie women who put other women in cages i say sarcastically.  Its not like that you are thinking to much like a human he looks over at me and i can see his frustration. look you asked that i here the history of your people and i have now let me off the island i say to him as i get up to leave. he hand reaches out and grasp my wrist gently . have you not listened to me Josie you are one of us but you are clan-less , when not if you are captured i wont be able to help you even though you are my mate for your own safety you have to say with me on the island he plead. what do you mean when i am captured ? i repeat snatching my wrist away from him. We just left a party full of merfolk who saw you be-spell a Merman who happens to lead a pretty powerful clan , with out me offering you sanctuary  you would be fair game as they say   , he pulls me back in his grasp. My blood starts to boil he had me show my "powers" knowing this would happen, that i would be trapped here with him i think to myself. your as sick bastard i say stepping away from him he tries to reach out again but i back away do not come near me you might try to lock me up i yell. I admit i was a bit negligent when i had you use your powers like that , please Josie let me make it up to you he kneels in front of me and i stare down in to his blue eyes i feel my self draining his control away don't ever put me in a situation like that again i say my voice has gone numb. Never again he says  his eyes have gone white like the man in the blue jacket. i feel a chill but its not due to the weather i break my hold on him missing it immediately. i'm sorry i cant control it i say as a tear makes its way down my cheek. Roarden shakes his head and tries not to make eye contact with me, he thinks i will do it again the thought makes me feel bad for some reason i mean he has just basically turned my life upside down but i am the one feeling guilty. my heart pounds out of fear of what i am capable of, i really am a siren no ...i'm a monster. Hey come here  Roarden says softly as he pulls me into his strong arms and i realize i am crying more than i thought. Its okay you don't know how to control your powers yet he whispers into my hair still holding me like i'm the last glass of water in the middle of a heat wave. Teach me i say looking up at him and Roarden is brave enough to look at me  in the eyes.

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