siren call

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Why did you take me she asked, because i am mer and you are a siren

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Why did you take me she asked, because i am mer and you are a siren. You called me to you guppy   he said . I'm a what ? she asked quirking a eyebrow 🤨.  your a siren  Roarden repeated. So i can make my self a shark to she asked. Roarden shook his head no you have different powers. Like?,  she asked staring up in to his golden eyes. He though for a moment then replied you have the power to call your mate, and anyone you desire you can bend them to your will with a song or a cry its called the siren call. she stared up at him in disbelief 😒 she had been singing the night she met Todd it was like he couldn't get enough of her then Bridgette came. he carried Josie to a glass house deep in the island. he made so many twist and turns she new she would never find the way back to were they had come. she thought of Todd screaming  at the edge of the beach he didn't even jump in after her. 🥺😥

Does it wear off ... the siren call i mean, Josie asked. yes for everyone but me unless you keep singing star fish 🐟🐟 Roarden said laying her on an all white couch. And it doesn't wear off on you because your my mate? she asked. exactly! he said heading to the kitchen. He brought back a plate full of shrimp and oysters. Josie reached for an oyster only to have Roarden move the plate back "no let me feed it to you" he said he held the oyster to her mouth and she sucked it out of its shell. No one has ever fed me before she said smiling. They talked into the night she told him about Todd and Bridgette. Then he told her about life as a mer and his business on land. She was shocked to find out she was sitting next to Roarden Jennings billionaire. 🤑 She thought of all the women that must be throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. she couldn't compete her fight or flight instincts kicked in she new if she were to compete with the girls going after him she'd lose. Can you take me back now she asked firmly. 

Aw poor dear confidence is key people its sad sometime we give up the things we want most because we lack the confidence to go for what we want. we have on foot in the lake and the other in the sand... well i say its time for Josie to swim , the question is how deep will she let Roarden go  ♥️♥️♥️♥️ ttfn

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