taken with me

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They strolled down the beach that she had to beg Todd to bring her to. After numerous insults about how her thighs looked in the bathing suit she had chosen, he settled in to a walk six paces behind her so that it looked like they didn't know each other.  She hummed beautiful by xtina  . this was not how Josie imagined there romantic getaway going. Her friends often told her to leave Todd but then he did something nice like take her on a trip or buy her dresses (dresses that were too small). She was lost in thought when she saw a huge fin in the water heading her way.

She had no time to think or run as a huge shark leaped out of the water and pulled her deep into the ocean. she heard Todd screaming then she saw nothing but the oceans underbelly. She was in the sharks mouth but she didn't feel its teeth, they felt more like arms instead of the sharp teeth that held her as they continued to glide threw the water. They continued threw the water for what seemed like hours , each time she felt like she would faint from lack of oxygen it would come to the surface and go down into the water again. finally they came to a tiny island the shark released her and morphed in to a man. not just any man the hottest man she had ever seen. Her mind began to swim sharks don't turn human she thought to herself this must be a dream.  he picked her up bridal style much to her protest. I'm too big she squeaked. Silence mate he said in a gentle voice. He carried Josie showing no sign of straining to carry her size 16 load. Hot and strong she thought to her self the stranger smiled down at her. I'm Roarden sorry i had to grab you like that your call was too strong. Im josie, Why did you take me ?she asked.

I feel like love 😍🥰 is in the air for these too... well duh! yep you guessed it  im batty  🙃😄

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