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The next morning Jimin woke up and took a shower before heading downstairs "Good morning everyone" he said while rubbing his eyes smiling until he looked around and saw only one person in the kitchen the one person he didn't want to see... Jungkook his smiled dropped his face turned into an aggrieved one. He sighed before heading to the fridge to take out ingredients to make breakfast. He felt eyes piercing his back but he didn't bother looking cause he knew Jk is obviously looking at him. He turned the stove on and started heating the oil in the pan completely ignoring the Maknae in the room.

Minutes later he felt arms wrap around his waist. "Tae Tae you're awake"  he said without looking but got no answer, a familiar scent hit his nostrils and he knew the Fragrant very well and who it belonged to, his body automatically tensed up and his heart dropped when  realization hit him.

What did he want?

"Let go of me" he said voice firm. "Hyung I'm sorry" the Maknae apologized sincerely near Jm's ear sending shivers down his spine. "Hyung I- .... "I don't want to hear it, Jungkookie the oil is heated now" Jk let go of his hyungs waist and looked down at his feet.

"Hyung I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I was young, naive and stupid I miss our friendship and how close we were" the Maknae apologized meaning every word he said but to Jm it was all pretense, lies no truth in those words. They probably told him what to say to Jm he don't mean it. He hates Jm after all he said himself a month ago.

[flash back]

Tae and Jk were talking in the bathroom when Jimin also went there but when he heard his name being mentioned by the Maknae he stopped on his tracks and listened to them.

"Why are you friends with jimin Hyung?"
"Because he's a nice person"
"Really? I don't think so"
"What do You mean?"
"He's ugly, clingy and boring"
"What are you saying? How could you say that about Jimin? Do you know how much Jimin loves you"

Jm's heart broke into million pieces how could  his favorite person say that about him. He fought his tears that were threatening to come out and continued listening to them.

" I'm being honest though he's always clinging on me.The only Reason I pretend to be his friend is because he buys me everything I want and I get the best birthday gifts from him. I don't really like him he's annoying in fact I hate him wish he wasn't out bandmate he's annoying"

The other Maknae was shocked to hear Jungkook says such hurtful things about his best friend. Before he could reply to Jungkook a voice spoke..

"So that's how you feel about me"

They both looked at the direction where the voice came from. Shock was evident in both their faces especially the youngest. Before he could say anything to Jm, Jimin walked away and since that day Jm only pretend to be close to him infront of camera but off camera they don't talk at all. The Maknae tried to apologize for a week now but Jimin never let him.

[End of Flash back]

"Stop just stop trying what's broken can never be restored you ruined our friendship was it even one you was just pretending to be my friend, why didn't you just push me away I would have left you alone but you used me I was your bank account and the clingy Hyung who is ugly who annoyed you. I cared for you gave you everything you wanted, did anything I could do for you but-

(He paused and spoke again tears streaming down his face)

"But I was nothing but a clingy ugly Hyung to you. Now that I give you the freedom you wanted and stay away from you why do you keep on bothering me? why won't you just leave me alone? this is what you wanted just stop hurting me, you know what's worse? "

(He paused again for a while and looked at the Maknae sniffing and breathing heavily from the crying.)

"What's worse is that I gave I gave m- myself t- to you.."

Because I'm inlove with you... I can never even hate you. I want to but I can't.

"I hate you" (Jm said and stormed out of the dorm and ran to God knows where)

The Maknae saw the hurt in Jimin's eyes and it broke his heart. The exhaustion in his body and words it hurt him. The way his Hyung lost weight it hurt him he just wished he could turn back time but that was impossible.

I'm sorry Hyung I was stupid you are precious to me and I never realized it until I lost you..

The Maknae sat down on the cold floor, knees on his chest face burried in between his thighs tears streaming down his face. He was sorry but didn't know what to do.
Im trying to get y'all hooked hope it works.

Please comment your thoughts it's important for me to progress.

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