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After talking to Hoseok he)(Yoongi) left to his room and as soon as he got there he received a message from Taehyung.

'You are always the one who make sure that I'm okay. You always try your best to cheer me up, you are always concerned about me so I thought you were interested in me, I thought you liked me but I guess I was wrong once again, I guess I lied to myself again no one loves me, you even agreed to be with Hoseok and kissed him in front of me. You guys are better off without me. Don't miss me too much and if I die today don't blame yourself be happy with Hoseok Hyung. I don't even know why I'm upset that you like Hoseok hyung because I was never into you but Jimin. I don't know why it hurt me like it did when I saw you two kissing but it did hurt. I guess I'm confused and don't know what I want so I'll just take my confused self out of the group and your lives tell everyone to be happy and Take care of yourself hyung you're special to me and you'll always be even after I die'

"Why are you crying hyung? I've been knocking but you was all quiet" Jimin said as he knelt down and wiped Yoongi's tears.Yoongi didn't even realize he was crying until Jimin wiped his tears with his tiny hands.He didn't even hear Jimin coming nor  talking to him.

"I need to go, I need to go save him before it's too late. I won't be able to live with myself if He really kills himself" Yoongi said standing up taking his car keys and driving off to Taehyung's home like a crazy maniac.

Jimin looked at him dumbfounded not sure who and what he's talking about. But after thinking hard and long he came to the conclusion that it is Taehyung and he called Yoongi but there was no response, he called the other hyungs still no response. He called them multiple times still they didn't answer their phones. He started pacing up and down not knowing what to do. He was stressing out.

Yoongi got to Taehyung's home and saw an ambulance and paramedics carrying  someone and putting the person in the ambulance.

"Noooooo! I'm too late!" he cried out and everyone looked his way Namjoon and Seokjin's saw him and went to him.

"Yoongi what's the matter did something happen at the dorm?" Seokjin asked concerned hoping that nothing more happened on this day.

"No nothing happened who are they carrying hyung is that Taehyung did he really take his own life?" Yoongi asked as he got out of the car.

"Yes it's him I just hope he'll be fine, his father found him cutting his own wrist so he didn't lose much blood he'll be fine he has to be fine" Namjoon said holding back his tears, he was overwhelmed and on the verge of crying all this was weighing down on him he's the leader and he felt like he failed his members.

"This is all my fault." Yoongi said

"What do you mean? We all know he was inlove with Jimin which is why he's like this" Jin said not understanding why Yoongi is blaming himself.

"Never mind let's go to the hospital what are we waiting for? " Yoongi said getting into his car.

Namjoon went inside to ask Tae's mom if she'll go with them as she was a crying mess. Tae's father left with Taehyung in the ambulance after asking the two to take care of his wife. They all left in Jin and Yoongi's car and went to hospital they were still skeptical about whether they should tell the 3 left at the dorm about Tae's issue or not and they decided to hear what the doctors have to say first.


"I swear to God if you don't stop" Hoseok said annoyed by Jimin walking around the house and thinking.

"What do I do? go to Taehyung's house?W-what if he did something to himself how will I live with myself? It is all my fault I lead him on and rejected him then started dating Jungkook who lives in this very house. I'm a bad person" Jimin said as he was on the verge of crying he was blaming himself for everything, for Tae's conditions and all Tae is going through even though he didn't exactly know what was happening.

"Why would anything happen to Taehyung?" Hoseok asked.

"He's heartbroken and I couldn't even be there for him as his best friend since I am the cause of his heartaches" Jimin said sitting on the couch crying. "Please call them and ask how he is maybe they'll answer your call" He said sobbing. Thankfully Jungkook and his jealous self wasn't in the room to fight Jimin for something they shouldn't be fighting over.

"Stop crying Jimin it is not entirely your fault that Taehyung is hurting, the heart wants what it wants and it is not your fault that you don't reciprocate his feelings. I'll call them please stop crying" Hoseok said rubbing Jimin's back taking his phone out of his pocket to call the hyungs.

While all of this was happening a pair of eyes were fixated on Jimin this whole time seeing Jimin blaming himself and crying hurt this person who was watching everything from the distance and he regretted not letting Jimin be Taehyung's best friend like he used to be but at the same time he wasn't doing it on purpose he was scared of Jimin feeling sorry for Taehyung and maybe leaving him for that reason as Jimin is a very emotional person. He couldn't stand just the thought of losing Jimin again ever. Another thing that bothered him was the bond between the two it was just natural and very strong and he was scared Jimin would perhaps fall for Taehyung and leave him for Tae as Tae never hurt Jimin but he did, but right now was not the time to be selfish and insecure he had to be understanding as things were getting out of hand.


"Taehyung really did that?" Hoseok asked shocked not believing anything Seokjin said to him.

"Yes but the doctors said he'll be fine as the cut was not that deep and we found him before he lost lots of blood I'm so relieved Hoseok" Seokjin sighed relieved that the younger is gonna be alright.

"I'm glad he's gonna be alright but is he awake? can we come?" Hoseok asked as Jimin was looking at him with doe eyes wanting to go and see Tae.

"No need he's awake and they said we can come home with him. So as soon they are done with him we'll come to the dorm" Seokjin said as he didn't want many people to see them at hospital as they might start rumors.

"Okay hyung you guys come quickly Jimin is crying a lot over here I don't know what to do with him and Jungkook is nowhere to be seen" Hoseok said and they both said their goodbyes before hunging up.

"I can't believe Tae Tae became suicidal the most cheerful, full of life person like him thought of killing himself this is bad, very bad" Jimin said tears flowing like a river he just couldn't stop crying.

"Jiminah when Taehyung comes back home you can spend time with him, support him and be there for him as his best friend I'm fine with that. I was a jerk for not seeing how much he's suffering I was being insecure and selfish" Jungkook said coming into the room and Jimin just stood up and hugged him grateful that finally Jungkook is understanding.

"Thank You that means a lot to me I really want to Mend things with him and be there for him" Jimin said as he was snuggled on Jungkook's chest.

Later the hyungs came back to the dorm with Taehyung and Tae just went to his room and layed on his bed staring at the ceiling not uttering any word to anyone, they tried to talk to him but it was of no use, since they left the hospital he didn't say anything to anyone, he was like a body just laying there no brain no soul whatsoever. The members couldn't bare to see him like this they all were sour and sad. The dorm that used to be all noisy and fun was now quiet like someone died. Hoseok kept on stealing glances at Yoongi who was Devasted more than everyone by all this, he's the one who received Tae's last message and words after all.

Lool it is so long sorry. (1478 words)

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